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Java SE Messaging API Reference for Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service Client Software Library. Release E70331-25

Java SE Messaging API Reference for Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service Client Software Library

The device and enterprise client libraries simplify working with the Oracle IoT Cloud Service.

See: Description

Package Description
Utility classes that may be used with the oracle.iot.client.device package.
Defines messages that can be exchanged between Server and Client and vice versa.
API for handling trust material used for activation and authentication to the Oracle IoT Cloud Service.  
The device and enterprise client libraries simplify working with the Oracle IoT Cloud Service. These client libraries are a low–level abstraction over top of messages and REST APIs. Device clients are primarily concerned with sending data and alert messages to the cloud service, and acting upon requests from the cloud service. Enterprise clients are primarily concerned with monitor and control of device endpoints.


The client must have a runtime configuration in order to communicate with the cloud service. This runtime configuration includes the IoT Cloud Service host, the identifier of the device or enterprise integration the client represents, and the shared secret of the device or enterprise integration.

The configuration is created by running the tool. This tool creates an encrypted file that is used when running the client application. Usage is available by running the tool without arguments.

Device and Enterprise Clients


Device Client Quick Start

The following steps must be taken to run a device-client application. The example shows a A is identical, except for registering indirectly-connected devices.

1. Initialize device client gw =
        new, password);
2. Activate the device

     if (!gw.isActivated()) {
3. Register indirectly-connected devices

     // create meta-data with the indirectly-connected device's
     // manufacturer, model, and serial number
     Map<String,String> metaData = new HashMap<String, String>();
     metaData.put(, "A Manufacturer");
     metaData.put(, "MN-xxxx-xxxx");
     metaData.put(, "SN-yyyyyyyy");
     // register it
     String deviceId = gw.registerDevice(hardwareId, metaData, deviceModelUrn);
4. Register handler for attributes and actions

     // RequestDispatcher is a utility that simplifies handling of request messages.
     // RequestMessages can be handled without the RequestDispatcher by
     // branching on the RequestMessage getEndpointId() and getURL().
     RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher = RequestDispatcher.getInstance();
          "myWritableAttribute", new RequestHandler() {
               public ResponseMessage handleRequest(RequestMessage requestMessage) {
                   // Handle the request. The data, if any, is in the requestMessage body.
                   // Return a ResponseMessage
5. Send data from the indirectly-connected device

    // create a DataMessage
    DataMessage dataMessage = new DataMessage.Builder()
        .dataItem(ATTRIBUTE, value)
    // send the message
6. Receive and dispatch requests from the server

    // RequestDispatcher is a utility that simplifies handling of request messages.
    // RequestMessages can be handled without the RequestDispatcher by
    // branching on the RequestMessage getEndpointId() and getURL().
    RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher = RequestDispatcher.getInstance();
    RequestMessage requestMessage = null;
    while((requestMessage = gw.receive()) != null) {
        ResponseMessage response = requestDispatcher.dispatch(requestMessage);

7. Dispose the device client


Enterprise Client Quick Start

The following steps must be taken to run an enterprise-client application.

1. Initialize enterprise client

    EnterpriseClient ec =
        EnterpriseClient.newClient(configurationFilePath, password);
2. Select a device

     Filter filter = Filter.eq(Device.Field.MANUFACTURER.alias(), "MyCompany");
     Pageable<Device> devices = ec.getDevices(null, filter);
     while (devices.hasMore()) {;
         for (Device d: devices.elements()) {
             // inspect & select
3. Monitor a device

    MessageEnumerator me = new MessageEnumerator(ec);
    me.setListener(device.getId(), null, new MessageListener() {
        public void notify(Collection<Message> msgReceived) {
            // process received messages
4. Get the value of a field

    String value = device.getValue(Device.Field.MODEL_NUMBER);
5. List the resources of a device

    ResourceEnumerator re = new ResourceEnumerator(ec, device);
    Pageable<Resource> resources = re.getResources();
    while (resources.hasMore()) {
        resources =;
        for (Resource r: resources.elements()) {
            // inspect & select
5. Dispose the enterprise client


Storage Cloud Quick Start

This shows how to use the messaging API to upload content to, or download content from, the Oracle Storage Cloud Service. To upload or download content, there must be an attribute, field, or action in the device model with type URI. When creating a DataItem for an attribute, field, or action of type URI, the value is set to the URI of the content in cloud storage.

Uploading content

An instance of is first needed to upload the content. The StorageObject is created using the createStorageObject(String,String) API in, which is also the base class A StorageObject names the object in storage, and provides the mime-type of the content.

To set the input to upload, the API setInputStream(InputStream) is used. Note that the StorageDispatcher is a utility for putting the sync in the background. Progress can be monitored by setting a ProgressCallback on the StorageDispatcher. StorageDispatcher is an alternative to using the StorageObject sync() API.

    MessageDispatcher md = MessageDispatcher.getMessageDispatcher(dcd);

    StorageConnection sc = dcd.getStorageConnection();
    StorageDispatcher sd = StorageDispatcher.getStorageDispatcher(sc);

    sd.setProgressCallback(new ProgressCallback() {
        public void progress(Progress progress) {
            StorageObject storageObject =
            if(progress.getState() == State.COMPLETED) {
                // image was uploaded and can be deleted
                // Send message with the storage object name
                DataMessage.Builder messageBuilder =
                        new DataMessage.Builder()
                                .format(CONTENT_MODEL_URN + ":attributes")
                                .dataItem(CONTENT_ATTRIBUTE, storageObject.getURI());
            } else if (progress.getState() == State.IN_PROGRESS) {
                // if taking too long, cancel:
    StorageObject storageObject = dcd.createStorageObject("snapshot.jpg", "image/jpeg");
    storageObject.setInputStream(new FileInputStream("snapshot.jpg"));

Enterprise Client Example

Monitor the device.

    EnterpriseStorageConnection esc = new EnterpriseStorageConnection(enterpriseClient);
    StorageConnection sc = esc.getStorageConnection();
    StorageDispatcher sd = StorageDispatcher.getStorageDispatcher(sc);

    String uri;

    //Process received messages:
    for (Message message : msgReceived) {
        if (message instanceof DataMessage) {
            DataMessage dm = (DataMessage)message;
            List<DataItem<?>> items = dm.getDataItems();
            for (DataItem<?> di: items) {
                if (di.getKey() == CONTENT_ATTRIBUTE) {
                    uri = di.getValue().toString();
                    StorageObject so = esc.createStorageObject(uri);

Device and Enterprise Client System Properties

Key Meaning Default: 3000 milliseconds
The amount of delay, in milliseconds, between polls for messages by the MessagePoller. This setting affects how often a MessageEnumerator.MessageListener instance may be called. Default: 10
The maximum number of messages to return on a single poll by the MessagePoller. The value will be clamped between 10 and 200, inclusive. Default: 10 messages

The number of messages in each page the message enumerator retrives from the server. Default: false
If true, a device can be activated without a device model on the server for the device. The server will create a draft device model which contains no attributes. A draft device model allows devices to be brought on-line ahead of the server being provisioned with the device model. However, attempts by the device to set an attribute when using a draft device model will fail.
oracle.iot.client.device.dispatcher_polling_interval Default: 3 seconds
The polling interval, in seconds, for message dispatching. If a message is not sent to the server within this timeout, an empty message will be sent in order to solicit request messages that may be queued in the server.
oracle.iot.client.device.dispatcher_max_queue_size Default: 10000
Total messages to queue. Attempts to send messages when the queue is full will result in an error.

oracle.iot.client.device.dispatcher_max_messages_per_connection Default: 100
Maximum number of outgoing messages to send in one payload per HTTPS connection to the server.
oracle.iot.client.device.request_buffer_size Default: 4192 bytes
The total size all of incoming messages received from the server that have not been handled by callbacks to the application. Default: false
Long polling is used by default, set this to true to disable it. Default: 100 milliseconds
The time, in milliseconds, added to the receive timeout given by the application and then used for the client transport timeout.
oracle.iot.client.device.send_receive_timeout Default: 100 milliseconds
Only used when long polling is disabled. The minimum time, in milliseconds, since the last send before polling the server for incoming messages if the receive buffer is empty. A larger value may cause a delay in the receipt of incoming messages, but will cause less network overhead. A value of zero will cause the library to skip the poll for incoming messages when calling receive if the receive buffer is empty.
oracle.iot.client.http_response_timeout Default: 15000 milliseconds
Only used when long polling is disabled. The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the server to respond to an HTTPS request.
oracle.iot.client.pretty_print_messages Default: true
Controls whether or not logged messages should be pretty printed. Pretty printing the messages makes the JSON easier to read. By default, pretty printing is enabled. Set this property to false to disable pretty printing for a more compact view of the logged messages.
oracle.iot.client.network_cost Default: ETHERNET
Used by the "batchByCost" device function, set this property to the type of connected network. The property may be set from the application code; for example, when the type of connected network changes.
oracle.iot.client.configuration_path Default: current directory
The directory where the simple trusted assets manager will store activation parameters.
oracle.iot.client.disable_storage_object_prefix Default: false
Disable the prefixing the storage object's name with the device's client ID and a directory separator.
oracle.iot.client.device.request_dispatcher_thread_pool_size Default: 1
Number of threads created for dispatching request messages so that request handlers can be executed in parallel. This number should be specified as greater than one, else it will be ignored and the default value of one will be used for request handler thread pool size. Request Dispatcher should be used for request handling for this setting to be effective. Default: System property user.dir
The directory that is used for local persistence. Default: persistence_store
The name of the database used for persisting data. Default: true
If true, the client library will persist data. Default: java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED
Get the transaction isolation level for SQL database persistence.
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Java SE Messaging API Reference for Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service Client Software Library. Release E70331-25

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