3 Migrate an Oracle Java Cloud Service Instance to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Create a new Oracle Java Cloud Service instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and then use the Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling to migrate your Oracle WebLogic Server domain resources and applications from your existing instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic.

When you migrate an Oracle Java Cloud Service instance, the following terms are used:

  • Source: The Oracle Java Cloud Service instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic.
  • Target: The Oracle Java Cloud Service instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.


The migration of a single Oracle Java Cloud Service instance takes approximately one day (8 hours). This does not include the time required to migrate any application databases.

Perform Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Prerequisites

Before you create an Oracle Java Cloud Service instance in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region, you must create the required infrastructure and database resources.

  1. Create the following Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources if they don't already exist:
    • A compartment
    • A virtual cloud network (VCN) and at least one subnet
    • A storage bucket for backups
    • A user authentication token (auth token)
    • Policies that allow Oracle Java Cloud Service to access the resources in your compartment

    See Prerequisites for Oracle Platform Services in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.

  2. Create a database in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database if one doesn't already exist.

    Oracle Java Cloud Service will provision the required infrastructure schema to this database. See Managing Bare Metal and Virtual Machine DB Systems in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.

Create the Target Instance

Create a new Oracle Java Cloud Service instance in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region. This instance must have the same topology and configuration as the source instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic.

If your source and target instances are located in the same Oracle Cloud account, they cannot have identical instance names.

The domain, server, and cluster names in a service instance are derived from the first eight characters of the instance name. For example, the following instance names are different, but result in identical domain, server, and cluster names in Oracle WebLogic Server:

  • MyJCSInstance
  • MyJCSInstanceOCI

From the Oracle Java Cloud Service console:

  1. Click Create Instance, and then select Java.
  2. For Instance Name, enter a value so that the first eight characters are the same as those in your source instance name.
    For example, if the source instance is named MyJCSInstance, name the target instance MyJCSInstanceOCI.
  3. Select an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Region, Availability Domain, and Subnet.
  4. For Service Level and Software Edition, select the same values as the source instance.
  5. For Software Release, select the same major version (X.Y) as the source instance.
    For example, and are the same major version of Oracle WebLogic Server.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Advanced.
  8. For WebLogic Clusters, create the same number of clusters as the source instance. Also set the cluster names and server counts to the same values as the source instance.
    For example, if the source instance has a single cluster named cluster1 with a server count of 3, then the target instance must have the same configuration.
  9. For the Compute Shape of your WebLogic Cluster, select an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure shape that most closely matches the number of Oracle Compute Units (OCPUs) and the amount of memory that are available in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic shape in your source instance.
  10. For SSH Public Key, upload an existing key or generate a new one.
  11. For Local Administrative User Name and Password, enter the same Oracle WebLogic Server administrator credentials as your source instance.
  12. If your source instance includes an Oracle Coherence data grid cluster, then select the same Cluster Size and Managed Servers Per Node as the data grid cluster in the source instance. Also select a Compute Shape for the data grid cluster that most closely matches the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic shape.
  13. For Database Type, select Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database.
  14. Select the Compartment Name where your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database resides.
  15. For Database Instance Name, select the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database that you created for the Oracle Java Cloud Service infrastructure schema.
    Also enter a value for PDB Name if applicable.
  16. Enter the Password for your database system administrator.
  17. For Backup Destination, select Both Remote and Disk Storage.
  18. For Object Storage Container, enter the URL of an existing bucket in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.
  19. For User Name, enter the name of a cloud user that has access to the storage bucket.
  20. For Password, enter the authentication token (auth token) that was generated for the cloud user.
  21. Complete the instance creation wizard.

For more information, see Create an Oracle Java Cloud Service Instance Attached to a Public Subnet on Oracle Cloud in Administering Oracle Java Cloud Service.

Migrate the Application Databases

If the applications in your Oracle Java Cloud Service instance use database instances that were created in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic region, migrate these application databases to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database.

  1. Create the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database instances in the same region and virtual cloud network (VCN) as your target Oracle Java Cloud Service instance.
  2. If the databases and target Oracle Java Cloud Service instance are on different subnets, then configure security rules that allow the service instance's subnet to communicate with the database ports.

Get Information About the Application Databases

Gather information about the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database instances that your target Oracle Java Cloud Service instance will use to access your application schemas. You will use this information to perform the migration.

  1. Access the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Click the menu icon, and under Database, select Bare Metal, VM, and Exadata
  3. Select the Region and Compartment where your database resides.
  4. Click the name of your database.
  5. From the DB System Details page, record these values.
    • The public IP address of the first database node
    • The host name prefix for the database (for example, myappdb)
    • The domain name for the database (for example, mydbsubnet.myvcn.oraclevcn.com)
    • The database port number
    • The database name and unique name (for example, ORCL and ORCL_iad1zj)
  6. If your database is running Oracle Database 12c or later, then identify the pluggable database (PDB) that contains your application schemas.
    1. Use a Secure Shell (SSH) client to connect to the database node as the opc user.
      ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<database_IP>
    2. Switch to the oracle user.
      sudo su - oracle
    3. Locate the ORACLE_HOME directory for the database on the file system.
    4. If you are accessing this database node for the first time, run the oraenv command to configure the environment.
      source oraenv

      When prompted, enter the database name (SID) and the ORACLE_HOME directory.


      ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/
    5. Start sqlplus as the sysdba role.
      sqlplus / as sysdba
    6. Print the list of PDBs in this database.
    7. In the command output, identify the PDB name.
      MYPDB  mypdb.mydbsubnet.myvcn.oraclevcn.com
  7. Repeat Steps 1 to 6 for any other application databases to which the target instance will connect.

Get Information About the Service Instances

Gather information about your source and target Oracle Java Cloud Service instances. You will use this information when you perform the migration.

  1. Access the Oracle Java Cloud Service console.
  2. Click the name of your source instance.
  3. From the Overview page, record these values.
    • The public IP address of the first node that is running the Administration Server
    • The host names of all Managed Server nodes (for example, myinstance-wls-2)
    • The names of the Administration Server and all Managed Servers (for example, MyInstan_server_1)
  4. Access the Oracle WebLogic Server administration console on the source instance.

    If you did not enable console access when you created the source instance, see Enable Console Access for a Service Instance in Administering Oracle Java Cloud Service.

  5. After you sign in to the console, record the domain name (for example, MyInstan_domain).
  6. From the Domain Structure panel, expand Environment, and then click Clusters.
  7. Record the names of the clusters (for example, MyInstan_cluster).
  8. From the Domain Structure panel, expand Environment, and then click Machines.
  9. Record the names of the machines (for example, MyInstan_machine_1).
  10. Return to the Instances page of the Oracle Java Cloud Service console.
  11. Click the name of your target instance.
  12. From the Overview page, record these values.
    • The public IP address of the first node that is running the Administration Server
    • The host names of all Managed Server nodes
    • The names of the Administration Server and all Managed Servers, if different from the source instance
  13. Access the Oracle WebLogic Server administration console on the target instance.
  14. After you sign in to the console, record the domain, cluster and machine names, if different from the source instance.

Create a Backup of the Target Instance

Before you update your target Oracle Java Cloud Service instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, create a backup of the service instance.

If you encounter problems during or after the migration process, you can restore this backup and try again.

  1. Access your service console.
  2. Click the name of the service instance for which you want to create a backup.
  3. On the Overview page, click the Administration tile.
  4. Click the Backup tab.
  5. Click Manage backups for this instance Menu icon, and then select Backup Now.
  6. If you select Keep Forever, then this backup can only be deleted manually. If not selected, this backup will be deleted at the end of the current backup retention period for this service instance.

    If you select the Include Database option and if the Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) option is enabled on your database, then this option does not apply to the database backup. The database instance’s retention policy determines how long the database backup is kept.

  7. For Notes, enter up to 255 characters of text to provide additional information about the backup (for example, when to restore from this backup, why the backup was created, or the state of the service instance at the time of the backup).
  8. Click Back Up.
  9. To check the status of the backup operation, periodically click Refresh Refresh icon.

Stop All Oracle WebLogic Server Processes on the Target Instance

Before you perform the migration on the target Oracle Java Cloud Service instance, you must stop all Oracle WebLogic Server and Node Manager processes.

  1. Use a Secure Shell (SSH) client to connect to the Administration Server node on the target instance as the opc user.
    ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<target_admin_IP>
  2. Switch to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  3. List the IDs of all running Java processes on this node.
    jps -l
  4. Kill all weblogic.Server and weblogic.NodeManager processes.
    kill -9 <processID>
  5. Use SSH to connect from the Administration Server node to the first Managed Server node in this instance.


    ssh myinstance-wls-2
  6. List the IDs of all running Java processes on this node.
    jps -l
  7. Kill all weblogic.Server and weblogic.NodeManager processes.
    kill -9 <processID>
  8. Disconnect from this Managed Server node.
  9. Repeat Steps 5 to 8 for all remaining Managed Server nodes in this instance.

Install the Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling

Download and install the Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling to your source and target Oracle Java Cloud Service instances.

Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling is an open-source project. It provides scripts that enable you to discover and export the configuration and application files from one Oracle WebLogic Server domain, and then import the configuration and applications into another domain.

  1. Download the latest weblogic-deploy.zip file from the Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling project on GitHub.
  2. Use a Secure Copy (SCP) client to upload the file to the Administration Server node in your source instance.
    scp -i <privatekey> weblogic-deploy.zip opc@<source_admin_IP>:/tmp
  3. Use a Secure Shell (SSH) client to connect to the node.
    ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<source_admin_IP>
  4. Change the owner of the weblogic-deploy.zip file to the oracle user.
    sudo chown oracle:oracle /tmp/weblogic-deploy.zip
  5. Switch to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  6. Extract weblogic-deploy.zip to /u01.
    unzip -d /u01 /tmp/weblogic-deploy.zip
  7. Disconnect from the node.
  8. Repeat Steps 2 to 7 for your target instance.

Discover the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain on the Source Instance

Run the Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling on your source Oracle Java Cloud Service instance to capture its domain configuration, applications and other supporting files.

  1. Use a Secure Shell (SSH) client to connect to the Administration Server node on the source instance as the opc user.
    ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<source_admin_IP>
  2. Switch to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  3. Determine the locations of the DOMAIN_HOME and MIDDLEWARE_HOME directories on the file system.
    echo $DOMAIN_HOME
  4. Navigate to the /u01/weblogic-deploy directory.
    cd /u01/weblogic-deploy
  5. Run the discoverDomain.sh command and specify the following parameters:
    • The locations of your DOMAIN_HOME and MIDDLEWARE_HOME directories
    • The names of the two output files (model and archive)
    • The JRF domain type


    You must specify the JRF domain type, so that the tool ignores standard resources and applications that are found in all service instances.


    /u01/weblogic-deploy/bin/discoverDomain.sh -domain_home /u01/data/domains/<source_domain> -oracle_home /u01/app/oracle/middleware/ -model_file <source_domain>.yaml -archive_file <source_domain>.zip -domain_type JRF


    /u01/weblogic-deploy/bin/discoverDomain.sh -domain_home /u01/data/domains/MyInstan_domain -oracle_home /u01/app/oracle/middleware/ -model_file MyInstan_domain.yaml -archive_file MyInstan_domain.zip -domain_type JRF
  6. Verify that the discoverDomain.sh command completed successfully with no errors.
    ####<timestamp> <INFO> <ValidationResults> <log_results> <WLSDPLY-05204>
    <Validation found 0 error, 0 warning, and 0 informational messages.>
    discoverDomain.sh completed successfully (exit code = 0)

    Ignore any warnings about the Trust Service Identity Asserter.

  7. Copy the output files to /tmp.
    cp <source_domain>.* /tmp
  8. Change the owner of the output files to the opc user.
    sudo chown opc:opc /tmp/<source_domain>.*
  9. Disconnect from the node.

Edit the Domain Model and Copy It to the Target Instance

Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling exports a domain as a YAML file, which is referred to as the metadata model. Modify the YAML file so that it matches the configuration of your target Oracle Java Cloud Service instance.

For security purposes, Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling excludes the values of all password configuration attributes in the model file.

The domain model syntax allows you to externalize variables in a separate properties file. Oracle recommends that you use a separate file to configure the passwords that are required in your domain configuration, including data source and keystore passwords. To refer to a variable in the model file, use the @@PROP:<property_name>@@ format .

  1. Using a Secure Copy (SCP) client, download the model file and archive file from the Administration Server node in your source instance to your local computer.
    scp -i <privatekey> opc@<source_admin_IP>:/tmp/<source_domain>.* .
  2. Create a backup copy of the model file.
    cp <source_domain>.yaml <source_domain>.yaml.bak
  3. Open the <source_domain>.yaml model file in a text editor.
  4. If necessary, find the names of all servers, clusters and machines in the model file, and replace them with the corresponding server, cluster and machine names of your target instance.


    If the first eight characters of the source instance name are the same as the first eight characters in the target instance name, then this step is not required.


            Machine: MyTarget_machine_1
            Machine: MyTarget_machine_1
            Cluster: MyTarget_cluster
            ServerTemplate: MyTarget_cluster_Template
                Cluster: MyTarget_cluster
                UserPreferredServer: MyTarget_server_1
        MyTarget_server_1 (migratable):
            Cluster: MyTarget_cluster
            UserPreferredServer: MyTarget_server_1
            Cluster: MyTarget_cluster
                Cluster: MyTarget_cluster
            Target: MyTarget_cluster
            Target: MyTarget_cluster
            Target: MyTarget_cluster
  5. Find and remove the following applications from the model file, if they exist:
    • OraJaaSmon
    • sample-app

    In the following example, remove the highlighted lines.

            SourcePath: wlsdeploy/applications/OraJaaSmon.war
            ModuleType: war
            StagingMode: nostage
            Target: MyTarget_adminserver
            SourcePath: 'wlsdeploy/applications/sample-app.war'
            ModuleType: war
            StagingMode: stage
            Target: MyTarget_cluster
  6. Find and remove all occurrences of the following attributes from the model file:
    • ListenAddress
    • NodeManagerPasswordEncrypted
    • CredentialEncrypted
  7. For each server in the model file, find and remove the PublicAddress attribute from the following default NetworkAccessPoint nodes:
    • channel-dep
    • SecuredExternAdmin
    • ExternAdmin
    • SecuredExternContent
    • ExternContent

    In the following example, the highlighted line should be removed.

  8. Find the PublicAddress attribute of any custom NetworkAccessPoint nodes in the model file (not in the list above), and replace the current value with the corresponding public IP address that is assigned to your target instance.
                    PublicAddress: <target_IP>
  9. For each server in the model file, find the Arguments attribute within the ServerStart node:
    • If you configured any custom startup arguments for a server in your source instance, then replace the current value of Arguments with the custom arguments only.
    • If you did not configure any custom startup arguments for a server, then remove the entire Arguments line.

    In the following example, the server has custom startup arguments:

            Arguments: '-Dmy.custom.arg=true'
  10. Create a file named wdt.properties.
  11. If your source instance is configured to use custom identity and trust keystore files, then update the model file with the keystore passwords.
    1. Enter the required passwords for your keystores and private keys as properties in the wdt.properties file.
    2. For each server in your model file, find the following attributes, and replace the current placeholder values with references to the corresponding properties:
      • CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted
      • CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted


              CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted: '@@PROP:keystore1.password@@'
              CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted: '@@PROP:trustkeystore1.password@@'
    3. For each server in your model file, find the ServerPrivateKeyPassPhraseEncrypted attribute in the SSL node, and then replace the current placeholder values with a reference to the corresponding property.
                  ServerPrivateKeyPassPhraseEncrypted: '@@PROP:privatekey1.password@@'
    4. Add the following attributes to the SSL node for your administration server, if they are not already present:
      • Enabled: true
      • ListenPort: 9072


                  Enabled: true
                  ListenPort: 9072
                  ServerPrivateKeyPassPhraseEncrypted: '@@PROP:privatekey1.password@@'
    5. For each managed server in your model file, add the following attributes to the SSL node, if they are not already present:
      • Enabled: true
      • ListenPort: 9074


                  Enabled: true
                  ListenPort: 9074
                  ServerPrivateKeyPassPhraseEncrypted: '@@PROP:privatekey1.password@@'
  12. If your source instance includes custom Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) data sources, then provide the location and password of the new application databases in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
    1. Identify the data sources found within the JDBCSystemResource node in your model file.
    2. Enter the required passwords for your data sources as properties in the wdt.properties file.
    3. For each data source in your model file, find the PasswordEncrypted attribute and replace the current placeholder value with a reference to the corresponding property.
                      URL: ...
                      PasswordEncrypted: '@@PROP:datasource1.password@@'
    4. For each data source in your model file, find the URL attribute and replace the current value with the URL to the corresponding Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database.

      The following table shows the URL format to use, depending on the Oracle Database version, and whether you created a Virtual Machine (VM) or Bare Metal database type.

      Database Version Database Type URL Format
      12c VM jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<db_hostname>-scan.<db_domain>:<db_port>/<pdb_name>.<db_domain>
      12c Bare Metal jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<db_hostname>.<db_domain>:<db_port>/<pdb_name>.<db_domain>
      11g VM jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<db_hostname>-scan.<db_domain>:<db_port>/<db_unique_name>.<db_domain>
      11g Bare Metal jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<db_hostname>.<db_domain>:<db_port>/<db_unique_name>.<db_domain>

      If you did not specify a PDB name when you created an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database that is running Oracle Database 12c, the default name is <db_name>_pdb1.

      The following example shows a Virtual Machine database named myappdb, that is running Oracle Database 12c, and contains a PDB named pdb1:

          URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//myappdb-scan.mydbsubnet.myvcn.oraclevcn.com:1521/pdb1.mydbsubnet.myvcn.oraclevcn.com
  13. Within the SecurityConfiguration node in your model file, remove the Adjudicator node and any child nodes, if they exist.
    In the following example, the highlighted lines should be removed.
  14. Use a Secure Copy (SCP) client to upload the model file, archive file, and properties file to the Administration Server node in your target instance.
    scp -i <privatekey> <source_domain>.* opc@<target_admin_IP>:/tmp
    scp -i <privatekey> wdt.properties opc@<target_admin_IP>:/tmp

Update the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain on the Target Instance

Run the Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling on your target Oracle Java Cloud Service instance to update its domain configuration and to deploy your applications.

  1. Use a Secure Shell (SSH) client to connect to the Administration Server node on the target instance as the opc user.
    ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<target_admin_IP>
  2. Change the owner of the archive, model, and properties files to the oracle user.
    sudo chown oracle:oracle /tmp/source_domain.*
    sudo chown oracle:oracle /tmp/wdt.properties
  3. Switch to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  4. Navigate to the /u01/weblogic-deploy directory.
    cd /u01/weblogic-deploy
  5. Copy the input files to the current directory.
    cp /tmp/<source_domain>.* .
    cp /tmp/wdt.properties .
  6. Run the validateModel.sh command and specify the following parameters:
    • The location of your MIDDLEWARE_HOME directory
    • The names of the model, archive and properties files
    • The JRF domain type


    /u01/weblogic-deploy/bin/validateModel.sh -oracle_home /u01/app/oracle/middleware/ -model_file <source_domain>.yaml -archive_file <source_domain>.zip -variable_file wdt.properties -domain_type JRF


    /u01/weblogic-deploy/bin/validateModel.sh -oracle_home /u01/app/oracle/middleware/ -model_file MyInstan_domain.yaml -archive_file MyInstan_domain.zip -variable_file wdt.properties -domain_type JRF
  7. Verify that the validateModel.sh command completed successfully. Correct any errors.
    ####<timestamp> <INFO> <validate> <__perform_model_file_validation> <WLSDPLY-05403>
    <Validation of /u01/weblogic-deploy/<source_domain>.yaml completed with 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) and 0 info(s) items>
    validateModel.sh completed successfully (exit code = 0)
  8. Run the updateDomain.sh command and specify the following parameters:
    • The locations of your DOMAIN_HOME and MIDDLEWARE_HOME directories
    • The names of the model, archive, and properties files
    • The JRF domain type


    /u01/weblogic-deploy/bin/updateDomain.sh -domain_home /u01/data/domains/<target_domain> -oracle_home /u01/app/oracle/middleware/ -model_file <source_domain>.yaml -archive_file <source_domain>.zip -variable_file wdt.properties -domain_type JRF


    /u01/weblogic-deploy/bin/updateDomain.sh -domain_home /u01/data/domains/MyInstan_domain -oracle_home /u01/app/oracle/middleware/ -model_file MyInstan_domain.yaml -archive_file MyInstan_domain.zip -variable_file wdt.properties -domain_type JRF
  9. Verify that the updateDomain.sh command completed successfully with no errors.
    updateDomain.sh completed successfully (exit code = 0)

    Log files are in the /u01/weblogic-deploy/logs directory.

  10. Disconnect from the Administration Server node.

Copy Supporting Files to the Target Instance

Identify and copy any files to your target Oracle Java Cloud Service instance that are not managed by Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling.

Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling automatically finds and archives the following types of files in your source instance's domain configuration. It also adds these files to your target instance's domain configuration:

  • Application deployments
  • Library deployments
  • Custom keystores

Other files that your applications or domain resources require are not automatically managed by Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling, including files that are located outside the DOMAIN_HOME directory. You must manually copy these files to the target instance.

  1. If the Managed Servers in your source instance are configured to use custom identity and trust keystore files, then copy the keystore files from the Administration Server node to the Managed Server nodes.
    Oracle WebLogic Server automatically stages application files to target Managed Server nodes, but does not do the same for keystore files.
    1. Use a Secure Shell (SSH) client to connect to the Administration Server node in your target instance.
      ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<target_admin_IP>
    2. Switch to the oracle user.
      sudo su - oracle
    3. Use SSH to connect from the Administration Server node to the host name of the Managed Server node.
      ssh myinstance-wls-2
    4. Navigate to the DOMAIN_HOME directory.
      cd /u01/data/domains/<target_domain>
    5. Use a Secure Copy (SCP) client to download the archive file from the Administration Server node.


      scp <target_admin_hostname>:/u01/weblogic-deploy/<source_domain>.zip .


      scp myinstance-wls-1:/u01/weblogic-deploy/MyInstan_domain.zip .
    6. Extract the archive file to the current directory.
      unzip <source_domain>.zip
    7. Disconnect from the Managed Server node.
    8. Repeat Step 1 for any other Managed Servers that use custom keystores.
  2. Use SSH to connect to the Administration Server node in your source instance.
    ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<source_admin_IP>
  3. Switch to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  4. Identify any supporting files that need to be copied to the target instance.
  5. Copy the files to the /tmp directory.
    cp /u01/myfiles/app.properties /tmp


    If you have multiple files to transfer, then consider adding them to a single archive file.
  6. Change the owner of the files to the opc user.
    sudo chown opc:opc /tmp/app.properties
  7. Disconnect from the node.
  8. Use SCP to download the files from the Administration Server node in your source instance to your local computer.
    scp -i <privatekey> opc@<source_admin_IP>:/tmp/app.properties .
  9. Use SCP to upload the files to the Administration Server node in your target instance.
    scp -i <privatekey> app.properties opc@<target_admin_IP>:/tmp
  10. Use SSH to connect to the Administration Server node in your target instance.
    ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<target_admin_IP>
  11. Change the owner of the files to the oracle user.
    sudo chown oracle:oracle /tmp/app.properties
  12. Switch to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  13. Move the files to the same location that they were found on the source instance.
    mkdir /u01/myfiles
    mv /tmp/app.properties /u01/myfiles
  14. Disconnect from the node.

Configure Node Manager SSL on the Target Instance

If you configured your source Oracle Java Cloud Service instance to use custom identity or trust keystores, then you must manually configure the Node Manager on each node in the target instance to use the custom keystores.

  1. Use a Secure Shell (SSH) client to connect to the Administration Server node on the target instance as the opc user.
    ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<target_admin_IP>
  2. Switch to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  3. Using the model file and properties file, identify the SSL configuration for the servers on this node:
    • The identity keystore file, path, and password
    • The trust keystore file, path, and password
    • The key alias and password


            CustomIdentityKeyStoreFileName: wlsdeploy/servers/MyInstan_server_1/identity.jks
            CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName: wlsdeploy/servers/MyInstan_server_1/trust.jks
            CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted: '@@PROP:keystore1.password@@'
            CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted: '@@PROP:trustkeystore1.password@@'
                ServerPrivateKeyAlias: server_cert
                ServerPrivateKeyPassPhraseEncrypted: '@@PROP:privatekey1.password@@'
  4. Edit the nodemanager.properties file located under the DOMAIN_HOME directory.
    vi $DOMAIN_HOME/nodemanager/nodemanager.properties
  5. Add the following lines to the end of the file. Specify the full path to the keystore files.


  6. Edit the setDomainEnv.sh file located under the DOMAIN_HOME directory.
    vi $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.sh
  7. Add the following line to the end of the file.
    export WLST_PROPERTIES="${WLST_PROPERTIES} -Dweblogic.ssl.JSSEEnabled=true -Dweblogic.security.SSL.enableJSSE=true -Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=CustomTrust -Dweblogic.security.CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName=/u01/data/domains/<target_domain>/wlsdeploy/servers/<target_server_name>/<trust_keystore_file> -Dweblogic.security.CustomTrustKeyStoreType=JKS"


    export WLST_PROPERTIES="${WLST_PROPERTIES} -Dweblogic.ssl.JSSEEnabled=true -Dweblogic.security.SSL.enableJSSE=true -Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=CustomTrust -Dweblogic.security.CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName=/u01/data/domains/MyInstan/wlsdeploy/servers/MyInstan_adminserver/mytrust.jks -Dweblogic.security.CustomTrustKeyStoreType=JKS"
  8. Connect to all Managed Server nodes in the target instance that use custom keystores, and then repeat Steps 4 to 7.


    ssh myinstance-wls-2
    vi $DOMAIN_HOME/nodemanager/nodemanager.properties
    vi $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.sh
  9. Disconnect from the Administration Server node.

Start All Oracle WebLogic Server Processes on the Target Instance

After you update the domain configuration on the target Oracle Java Cloud Service instance, you must restart all Oracle WebLogic Server and Node Manager processes.

The Administration Server must be running before you start any Managed Servers.

  • Start the Administration Server on the first node and verify that it started successfully.
  • Start the Managed Servers on all nodes.

If you previously shut down the server processes by using the kill command, then Node Manager restarts them for you automatically. Otherwise, you must start the server processes manually.

  1. Use a Secure Shell (SSH) client to connect to the Administration Server node on the target instance as the opc user.
    ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<target_admin_IP>
  2. Switch to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  3. Start the Node Manager process on this node.
    • If your service instance is running Oracle WebLogic Server 12c, then run the following command.
      /u01/data/domains/<target_domain>/bin/startNodeManager.sh >nm.out 2>&1 &
    • If your service instance is running Oracle WebLogic Server 11g, then run the following command.
      /u01/app/oracle/middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/startNodeManager.sh >nm.out 2>&1 &
  4. List the IDs of all running Java processes on this node.
    jps -l
  5. Verify that the Node Manager and server processes are running.
    • weblogic.NodeManager
    • weblogic.Server

    The first node on your service instance has two weblogic.Server processes: the Administration Server and the first Managed Server.

  6. If Node Manager started, but the servers did not, then you must start the servers manually.
    1. Launch the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).
      source $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.sh
    2. Connect to the Node Manager on this node.
      nmConnect(username="<nm_user>", password="<nm_password>", domainName="<target_domain>", domainDir="/u01/data/domains/<target_domain>", nmType="ssl", host="<target_hostname>", port="5556", verbose="false")


      nmConnect(username="weblogic", password="<nm_password>", domainName="MyInstan_domain", domainDir="/u01/data/domains/MyInstan_domain", nmType="ssl", host="myinstance-wls-1", port="5556", verbose="false")

      By default, the Node Manager credentials are the same as those you specified when you created the target instance.

    3. Restart the servers on this node.

      Both the Administration Server and the first Managed Server run on the first node in your service instance. The Administration Server must be running before you start any Managed Servers.


    4. Exit WLST.
  7. Use SSH to connect from the Administration Server node to the host name of each Managed Server node in this instance, and then repeat Steps 3 to 6.


    ssh myinstance-wls-2
  8. Disconnect from the Administration Server node.
  9. Verify that you can sign in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

Create the Trust Service Identity Asserter on the Target Instance

After you update the domain configuration on the target Oracle Java Cloud Service instance, you must manually create the Trust Service Identity Assertion provider in the Oracle WebLogic Server security realm.

The Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling does not automatically migrate the Trust Service Identity Assertion provider from your source instance to your target instance. Create the provider if it is missing from your target instance.

  1. Access the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console for your target instance.
  2. Sign in to the console as the Oracle WebLogic Server system administrator.
  3. From the Change Center panel, click Lock & Edit.
  4. From the Domain Structure panel, click Security Realms.
  5. Click myrealm.
  6. Click the Providers tab.
  7. Click the Authentication tab if it's not already selected.
  8. Click New.
  9. For Name, enter Trust Service Identity Asserter.
  10. For Type, select TrustServiceIdentityAsserter.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click Reorder.
  13. Select Trust Service Identity Asserter, and then click Move selected items to top of list.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Click Activate Changes.

Troubleshoot Migration Problems

If you encounter problems migrating your Oracle Java Cloud Service instance to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, inspect the log files for the migration tools and servers. After correcting the problems, you can restore the target instance to its initial state, and then try the migration again.

  1. Use a Secure Shell (SSH) client to connect to the Administration Server node on the target instance as the opc user.
    ssh -i <privatekey> opc@<target_admin_IP>
  2. Switch to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  3. Check for warnings or errors in the Oracle WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling log files, which are located in the /u01/weblogic-deploy/logs directory.
  4. Check for warnings or errors in the Oracle WebLogic Server domain log file, which is located at /u01/data/domains/<target_domain>/servers/target_server/logs/<target_domain>.log.
  5. Fix any problems that you identify.
    For example, edit the <source_domain>.yaml model file.
  6. Access the Oracle Java Cloud Service console.
  7. Click the name of the service instance that you want to restore.
  8. On the Overview page, click the Administration tile.
  9. Click the Backup tab.
  10. Under Available Backups, beside the backup that you want to restore, click Menu Menu icon, and then select Restore.
  11. For Notes, enter any free-form text to provide additional information about the restoration. For example, describe why you are restoring the service instance.
  12. Click Restore.
  13. When prompted for confirmation, perform one of the following steps:
    • If the selected backup has an associated database backup, select the check box to confirm that you have already restored the database, and then click Continue with Restore.
    • Click Yes, Restore Service.
  14. To check the status of the restore operation, periodically click Refresh Refresh icon.
  15. Perform these tasks again.