Use Third-Party Frameworks with Oracle Java Cloud Service

You can use third-party frameworks that conform to the Java EE and Java SE standards to extend the functionality of Oracle Java Cloud Service.

You can use each supported framework with Oracle Java Cloud Service in one of the following ways:

If multiple applications use a framework, or if you want to simplify updates by minimizing the size of applications that use the framework, deploy the framework as a shared library.

Third-Party Application Development Frameworks Tested with Oracle Java Cloud Service

Oracle Java Cloud Service has been tested with several third-party frameworks. A specific release of each supported framework was tested.

Framework Release Tested Purpose
Akka 2.3.9 Build highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM.
Apache Axis2/Java 1.6.2 Simplify client-side and server-side programming of Web services.

See Information for Configuring Apache Axis/Java.

Apache Commons component BeanUtils 1.9.2 Simplify the use of the Java reflection and introspection APIs.
Apache Commons component Collections 3.2.1 Extend or augment the Java Collections Framework.
Apache Commons component Digester 3.2 Map XML configuration data to Java objects.
Apache Commons component IO 2.4 Help develop functionality for input and output through data streams.
Apache Commons component Logging 1.2 Enable a library to be used with a chosen logging implementation at runtime.
Apache CXF 3.0.4 Build and develop services that use front-end programming APIs, such as JAX-WS and JAX-RS.
Apache Log4j The following releases:
  • 1.2.17
  • 2.0
Provide a logging framework for Java applications.
Apache MyFaces 2.2.8

Simplify the development of web applications with JavaServer™ Faces by providing:

  • A JavaServer Faces, implementation
  • Component libraries of UI widgets for building web applications with JavaServer Faces
  • Extension packages to JavaServer Faces
  • Integration modules to other technologies and standards
Apache Struts 2.3.3 Simplify the development of Java web applications that use a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
Apache Tapestry 5.3.7 Simplify the development of dynamic, robust, highly scalable web applications in Java.
Apache Thrift 0.9.0 Build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between languages including, among other languages:
  • C++
  • C#
  • Cocoa
  • Delphi
  • Erlang
  • Haskell
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • OCaml
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Smalltalk
Apache Velocity 1.7 Reference objects that are defined in Java code through a template language.
Apache Wicket 6.18.0 Simplify the development of Java web applications by:
  • Properly separating markup and logic
  • Using a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) data model
  • Limiting the use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) configuration files
FreeMarker 2.3.19 Generate text output from templates, for example, web pages for servlet-based applications that follow the MVC pattern.
Google Guava Libraries 15.0 Provide Java libraries for functionality such as:
  • Caching
  • Collections
  • Concurrency
  • Common annotations
  • I/O
  • Primitives
  • String processing
Google Guice 3.0 Provide dependency injection for Java 6 and above.
GWT 2.5.1 Build and optimize complex browser-based applications without the need to understand the behavior of specific browsers, the XMLHttpRequest object, or JavaSrcipt.
Hibernate ORM 4.2.8 Provide Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) to simplify storage of data by object-oriented applications in relational databases.
JBoss Seam 3.1.0 Provide a modular set of extensions to the contexts and dependency injection (CDI) programming model.
Joda-Time 2.1 Replace the date and time class libraries in the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE).
JQuery 2.0.3 Provide a JavaScript library to simplify HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax.
JRuby 1.7.2 Provide a 100% Java implementation of the Ruby programming language.
Quartz Job Scheduler 2.1.5 Create simple or complex schedules for executing jobs whose tasks are defined as standard Java components.

See Omit Checks for Updates to Quartz Job Scheduler.

Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) 1.7.7 Enable end users to plug in a specific logging framework at deployment time.
Spring 4.0.3 Build simple, portable, fast, and flexible JVM-based systems and applications.

Information for Configuring Apache Axis/Java

The Apache Software Foundation web site provides documentation for using Apache Axis/Java.

For detailed instructions for configuring Apache Axis with Oracle WebLogic Server, see WebLogic in Application Server Specific Configuration Guide.

Omit Checks for Updates to Quartz Job Scheduler

By default, Quartz Job Scheduler checks for updates when it starts.

The check for updates involves connecting to a remote server. If the server can’t be reached, the check fails and an exception is written to a log file. The failure does not prevent Quartz Job Scheduler from starting and does not affect the functionality of Quartz Job Scheduler in any way. However, you can prevent this exception by omitting checks for updates to Quartz Job Scheduler.

To omit checks for updates to Quartz Job Scheduler:

  1. For each managed server in your Oracle Java Cloud Service instance, set one of the following properties to true:
    • The Quartz configuration property org.quartz.scheduler.skipUpdateCheck
    • The Java system property org.terracotta.quartz.skipUpdateCheck

    For more information about these properties, see the Quartz Job Scheduler documentation.

    For the steps to set a property, see the Administration Console online help for the release of Oracle WebLogic Server that you are using:

  2. Restart each managed server for which you set a property in the previous step.