psm analytics disable-access-rule

Use this command to disable an active access rule for a service created with Oracle Analytics Cloud - Classic.
The access rule must exist for your service and be in the enabled status before you can disable it. To determine whether the access rule exists and if it’s enabled, use the psm analytics access-rules command. If the rule is enabled, the status line will so indicate:
You can re-enable the rule by using the psm analytics enable-access-rule command. You can disable rules of both USER and DEFAULT types.


 psm analytics enable-access-rule -s|--service-name serviceName
  -r|--rule-name ruleName
    [-of|--output-format json|html|short]


Parameter Description
-s|--service-name Name of the service.
-r|--rule-name The name of the rule you want to disable.
-of|--output-format (Optional) Desired output format.

Accepted values: json, html, short


$ psm analytics disable-access-rule -s Example1Service -r corp_vnc

