psm bdcsce create-access-rule

Create an access rule for an Oracle Big Data Cloud cluster.


In the following syntax, line breaks have been added for clarity. Do not include them when entering the command.

psm bdcsce create-access-rule -s|--service-name cluster-name
	-c|--config-payload json-file
	[-of|--output-format short|json|html]
	[-wc|--wait-until-complete true|false]


Parameter Description

-s|--service-name cluster-name

Specifies the name of the Oracle Big Data Cloud cluster.

-c|--config-payload json-file

Specifies the path to a JSON file containing the information necessary to create an access rule.

-of|--output-format short|json|html

(Optional) Specifies the output format of the command’s response:

  • short— output is formatted as a brief summary.

  • json— output is formatted as a JSON array.

  • html— output is formatted as HTML

The default output format is the one you specified when using the psm setup command to configure the psm CLI.

–wc|--wait-until-complete true|false

(Optional) If set to true, the command behaves synchronously. That is, it does not return until the submitted job is complete. The following message is displayed until the job is complete:

Waiting for the job to complete... (it cannot be cancelled)

The default value is false.


The following example creates the access rule specified by information provided in the createaccessrule.json file for the bdcsce-cluster Oracle Big Data Cloud cluster.

$ psm bdcsce create-access-rule --service-name bdcsce-cluster --config-payload createaccessrule.json
Job ID : 5875


You can track the progress of this command using the operation-status command.

Listing of createaccessrule.json

	"ruleName": "bdcsce_ambari",
	"description": "Ambari REST from specific IP range",
	"ports": "8080",
	"status": "enabled",
	"source": "",
	"destination": "bdcsce_MASTER"