psm caching operation-status

This command displays the status of an Oracle Application Container Cloud Service cache operation.

When you run a command-line operation, a job ID is included in the response. You can use this job ID to check the status of the operation. For example, you can display the status of a psm caching create-service operation to verify that an application cache has been created successfully.


psm caching operation-status 
-j|--job-id ID 
[-of|--output-format json|html|short]


All parameters are required unless otherwise noted.

Parameter Description
-j, --job-id Job ID of the operation.

-of|--output-format json|html|short

(Optional) Specifies the output format of the command’s response:

  • json—output is formatted as a JSON array.

  • html—output is formatted as HTML

  • short—output is formatted as a brief summary.

The default output format is the one you specified when using the psm setup command to configure the psm CLI.


$ psm caching operation-status -j 23770
            "message":"Activity Submitted"
            "message":"Activity Started"
            "message":"Started operation to create service [MyCacheService] in identity domain [apaasuser]."
            "message":"Initialized application creation..."
            "message":"Acquired resources for instance(2G) mycacheservice-cach-1..."
            "message":"Deployed application(v1) for instance(2G) mycacheservice-cach-1..."
            "message":"Successfully created application..."
            "message":"Activity Ended"
            "message":"Activity Ended"