ADF Application Login Results in Blank Page

When logging in to an ADF application deployed on JCS-SaaS Extension instances provisioned before 17.1.3, you might get a blank screen. Use the -refresh CLI command to resolve this issue.

ADF users trying to start instances created with a version of JCS-SaaS Extension predating 17.1.3 but then patched with a 17.1.3 (or later) release might encounter a blank page after ADF login. Because the ADF libraries were updated for the later version of JCS-SaaS Extension, you need to recompile the JSP pages of any ADF applications deployed on JCS-SaaS Extension instances that predate 17.1.3.

To redeploy, use the -refresh command available in the 17.2.1 SDK CLI. This command does the following:

  • Downloads the necessary applications and place them in a temporary location.

  • Redeploys those applications to your instance.

For example:

$ ./javacloud -u -dc dataCenterCode -id myDomain1234 -si myInstance1715 -refresh -app hcmconnect-ear-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT


-dc is the data center code. The accepted values are us1 (United States), us2, em1 (Europe, Middle East, Africa), em2, ap1 (Asia, Pacific), or ap2, depending on where your instance is located.

You should get this response:

[INFO]    - The application is being updated.
1:Job Id         - 1912
-----------      - -----------------------
->               - Properties
------------     - -----------------------
Status           - NEW
Identity Domain  - mycotrial1715
Service Instance - prodtrial1715
Application      - hcmconnect-ear-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Start Time       - Tuesday, February 21, 2017 1:19:30 PM PST
Operation        - Redeploy Application
-------------    - -----------------------
[TIP]            - You can use the command "job-status" to monitor a job.

The -refresh command is described in detail in Refreshing ADF Applications.