Using the Command-Line Interface to Monitor Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension

The Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension Software Development Kit (SDK) provides a command-line interface (CLI) that exposes monitoring commands so you can monitor applications deployed on an Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension instance.

The monitoring commands exposed through the CLI allow you to monitor applications deployed on an Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension instance. Each command in the CLI initiates an asynchronously executed job within the Oracle Cloud for a specific Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension instance. You can view the existing jobs for a specific Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension, view status, and review associated log files.

Using the Command-line Interface

You can use the CLI to monitor an Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension instance as follows:

  • Job Monitoring. View the existing jobs for a service, view job status, and review associated log files. For more information on the job monitoring commands, see the SDK documentation for list-jobs, list-job-logs, job-status and the job creation commands such as install, delete and so on.

  • Server Monitoring. List and describe the underlying servers. Each server is a dedicated Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for the Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension instance and executes the applications that are deployed to that service instance. For more information on the server monitoring commands, see the SDK documentation for query-service-metrics.

  • Application Monitoring. List the deployed applications and view their status within a service instance. For more information on the application monitoring commands, see the SDK documentation for query-service-metrics and list-applications.

  • Service Monitoring. List the service instances within an identity domain and view their status. For more information on the service monitoring commands, see the SDK documentation on describe-service-instance and list-service-instances.

SDK Documentation

To learn more about the commands available in the CLI, see CLI Commands in the SDK or navigate to the $SDK_HOME/doc/index.html file. You can also access all the SDK documentation via the Welcome App. To do so:

  1. In the Applications region of the Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension Control, click welcome-app.

    The Application: welcome-app page appears.

  2. In the Application URLs table, click the URL.

    The Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension home page appears.

  3. Click Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension SDK.

    The Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension SDK Home page appears. From here, you can select the desired CLI documentation; for example, CLI-Javacloud.jar

Also see Using the Command-Line Interface to Manage Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension.