Viewing the Activity Logs on JCs-SaaS Extension Control

Activity logs show the status and progress of activities, such as application deployment and service restarts.

You can access activity logs from the Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension Control Jobs region, which is at the bottom of Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension Control.

When you choose a Job ID in the Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension Control Jobs section of the Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension Control home page, the View Job Logs drop-down menu becomes active, and you can choose from the following list of activity logs:

  • Virus scan

  • Application Whitelist Validation

  • WLS Compile

  • Cloud Compile

These logs are text documents that you can either open or save, and they are the result of background jobs that ran against the application to check relevant information, for example, to determine whether the file contains a virus or could otherwise cause problems. These background jobs run asynchronously.