Monitor All Objects Related to an Application

You can monitor all objects related to an application from the Applications page.

Define APM Applications

With Applications, you can define and save a filter to pull together a set of pages or server requests in the application, that match the defined filter criteria at a particular time point.

An administrator can create an Application Definition for pages with a specific URL, or server request with a specific name, deployment or application server. To create an Application Definition:
  1. In the left navigation pane, select Application Definitions to view the Application Definitions screen.
  2. Click Create Application Definition.
  3. In the Create Application Definition screen, provide a name for the application definition.
  4. Choose the object on which to base your application definition. The application definition can be a collection of Pages, Server Requests, Mobile Clients, or Application Servers with Classifications.
  5. Click Select Criteria to specify the criteria for the selected object.
    • Pages – Specify the contents of your page URL.

    • Server Requests – Specify the name of the application server host, the deployment or the server request.

    • Mobile Clients — Specify the name of the mobile client, or the version of the mobile client.

    • AppServers with Classifications — Specify the classification based on which the AppServers will be filtered. If you want to see database information for an application, choose this option.

      The classifications that are available have been added by your administrator. See Adding Application Classifications in Installing and Configuring Application Performance Monitoring and talk to your administrator to get classifications added.

    All objects that meet these criteria will be part of the application definition. All entities that are related to the filtered objects are also part of the application. For example, if a Page is part of the application definition, all related AJAX calls and Application Servers are part of the application definition even though they are not part of the filter you defined.

  6. Click Apply. Add one or more criteria as required.
  7. Click Save.
    Soon after creating an application, the Last Evaluated field will temporarily display Pending. Refresh the page (F5) to monitor when it changes from Pending to an actual date/time when the application was evaluated.
The new application definition is listed in the Application Definitions page. You can select an application as a filter in the Home page, Page List page, Application Server List page, and Server Request List page. This will narrow the page focus to just the elements that are included in the scope of the Application Definition. You can delete an Application Definition by clicking the X icon in the respective row.

Use APM Applications

You can access an application to filter a set of pages or server requests in the application, that match the particular filter criteria defined in the application. All the related objects are part of the application definition too.

To use an Application:

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Applications to view a list of Applications.

    For each application listed, you can see the criteria of the application definition. An overall status of the application can be seen through information about End Users, Server Requests and the database tier.

  2. Click the name of the application you want to access or view more details for.

    The application’s home page displays detailed information about the application and related entities. You can see widgets for APM Alerts, Infrastructure Health (if Infrastructure Monitoring is enabled), and detailed information about associated entities in various tabs. All entities that are related to the filtered objects are also part of the application. For example, if a Page is part of the application definition, all related AJAX calls and Application Servers are part of the application definition even though they are not part of the filter you defined.

    • Click the number of Alerts to view the list of open alerts on the application.

    • The Infrastructure Health widget gives you an overall picture of the infrastructure.

    • View details of browser and application performance in the Application Metrics tab.

    • In the Performance Analysis tab, see how the server requests are distributed across application servers through the graph.

    • In the End Users tab, see the geo-map for all the pages in the application.

    • Click the Topology icon on top left corner of the pane to view/hide the application topology.

Viewing Flow Topology of an Application

Application Flow Topology allows you to see how the traffic of an application flows across various objects. You can see how the objects relate to each other based on the call flows that Oracle Application Performance Monitoring monitors for the selected application.

View relationships between browser clients-application servers-databases, or between pages-AJAX calls- server requests-databases. You can also view aggregated metrics for average response time, calls, and errors.

For example, the AppServer layer shows how calls flow from browser clients (pages and/or AJAX calls) to appservers, between appservers themselves, and to databases. The Server Request layer shows more details like call flow from specific pages to specific server requests.

To view the topology of an application:

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Applications to view a list of Applications.

  2. Select the application and in the left navigation pane, select Flow Topology.

    The topology diagram provides a quick overview of the performance of the application and all the objects interacting with the application.

  3. Hover over the objects to view further details.

  4. Select an object in the diagram to highlight the path of the object. The details of the selected object are listed below the diagram.

  5. Select different Diagram Controls to view other aspects of the topology.