Configure Attributes for End User Monitoring

You can configure Application Performance Monitoring to report on additional attributes, to enable better classification of different end user activities. The values for these attributes will be reported in various pages of APM, and provide a closer perspective of application performance on the user’s site.

The newly added attributes are displayed on reports on Page list, Page details, Ajax Call list, Ajax Call details, and Session Detail pages. You can configure how the attributes should be populated. These functions will be executed when an Ajax Call or a click is detected. For best results, use attributes to report more details of the application area or application state where an action occurred.

To add attributes to report on:

  1. In the pages you want to be monitored, include the following Javascript code:
    apmeum.udfAttribute1 = function()
        // return desired value of attribute 1
        return "Attribute value 1"; 
    apmeum.udfAttribute2 = function()
        // return desired value of attribute 2
        return "Attribute values 2"; 
    These attributes will be included in the reports generated on the monitored pages. By default, attribute1 will be populated with the top level directory of the URL and attribute2 will remain empty.

    Example: In the URL, attribute1 would be populated with the string calendar.

    By default, the document title of the application page is captured as page title, but can be redefined by setting the apmeum.udfAttributeDt attribute. In context reporting, the data in attribute1 is most generic, udfAttributeDt is more specific (page level) and apmeum.udfAttribute2 is assumed to point / describe roughly the area on a screen that is active during an AJAX call or the area that is clicked.

    apmeum.udfAttributeDt = function()
        // return desired value of page title
        return "New Page Title"; 