D Custom Certificates

This topic covers working with custom certificates and exporting them to a file. We recommend to work with the IT Security team within your organization to obtain the correct custom certificate.

Work with Custom Certificates

If your environment uses custom certificates, it's important that you work with the IT Security team within your organization to obtain the correct custom certificate to be able to perform a successful gateway or cloud agent installation. They should provide a custom root certificate of the used proxy server in a DER format file.

Export Custom Certificates

If you can't obtain the certificate from your IT Security team, one way to get it is by exporting the certificate to a file using a browser.

Before attempting to export a custom certificate, be sure that the browser is connecting to the internet via the same proxy like the system where the gateway or cloud agent needs to get installed.

To export a custom certificate, do the following:
  • Using your browser security options, select View Certificate and go to the Certificate Hierarchy tab or menu depending on your browser options. Be sure to review the Certificate Hierarchy which lists all the certificates available.
  • Export the certificate to a file: It's important to export the top-most certificate from the list. The top-most certificate usually has the suffix Root CA within its name. Once you identify the correct certificate, select it and then export it to a file with DER format.