A Log Files and Debug Logs

This topic covers using log files to check the agent installation, and setting up and collecting debug logs in case you run into problems and need to troubleshoot them.

Using Log Files for Debugging

The agent installation and upgrade logs can be used to troubleshoot issues during installation. Check the following log files for the gateway, data collector, and cloud agents:
  • For agent installation failures, check the log file under:

    <AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY>/logs/AgentInstall_logs/AgentInstall_<time stamp>

  • After the installation, check the log files at the following path:


  • If your cloud agent and data collector are using a gateway, then check the gateway log file under:


  • For all agents (gateway, data collector, and cloud agent), check the update log files under:

    <AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY>/logs/AgentUpdate_<time stamp>.log

Setting up Debug Logs

You can setup debug logs for Oracle Management Cloud agents if you are facing problems after running them for a while.
  1. Go to <AGENT_HOME>/bin directory on the host that is running the agent.

  2. Run the following command to set up the debug logs:

    $ omcli setproperty agent —name Logger.log.level —value DEBUG
    Oracle Management Cloud Agent
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2018 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    EMD setproperty succeeded 
  3. Verify if the debug log property has been set.

    $ omcli getproperty agent —name Logger.log.level
    Oracle Management Cloud Agent
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2018 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

    If the debug property is not set, the output of the above command will display Logger.log.level=INFO

    $ omcli getproperty agent —name Logger.log.level
    Oracle Management Cloud Agent
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2018 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Collecting Debug Logs

You can collect debug logs by generating a bundle that contains all the logs needed for troubleshooting. Once bundle is generated, you can review the logs within it or you can pass it to Oracle Support for further assistance.

Run the following command to collect debug logs:

$ omcli generate_support_bundle agent <directory_where_bundle_will_be_created>