7 Upgrade Oracle Management Cloud Agents

This section describes how to upgrade gateways, data collectors and cloud agents.

About Upgrading Oracle Management Cloud Agents

Upgrading Oracle Management Cloud agents is a seamless process without any data loss. The data feed generated during the upgrade process is stored in the agent state directory. After the agent comes back online, the data files get uploaded to Oracle Management Cloud.

It is recommended that you check the Oracle Management Cloud Agents page and verify that you have deployed the latest version of the agent software. To check if there is a newer version available for a specific agent, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Oracle Management Cloud Agents page, you will see a list of gateways, data collectors and cloud agents that you deployed under their corresponding tabs. Click the specific agent tab.

    The Oracle Management Cloud agent tab is displayed

  2. Click the specific agent that you deployed and check Version.

    If you see a blue information icon Information icon next to the current version listed then an upgrade is available to that specific agent.

    Upgrade Available

  3. You can decide to upgrade the agent now or later.

When you upgrade the agents, ensure that you upgrade the gateway (if applicable) before you upgrade the associated data collector (if applicable) or cloud agents that are communicating through it.


Wait for the gateway upgrade process to be completed before proceeding with upgrade of the associated agents.

Before Upgrading Data Collectors

The default roles and privileges given to a data collector user during the installation may be altered or revoked due to in-house security policies. If this is the case, then run the following script at regular intervals to confirm that all necessary and sufficient roles and privileges are still intact:

  1. You can click this link to download the script, or go to the data collector agent base directory: <AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY>/sysman/admin/scripts/emaas/harvester/script/check_privs.sql and download the script. The script must be downloaded to a host from which you can connect to the Oracle Management Repository database.
  2. Connect to the Oracle Management Repository database as the Data Collector installation user as follows:


  3. Run the script.

Log files

You can find the agent upgrade logs under the following location:
