Monitor Heap Usage By Server

  1. Click the Heap tab in the left pane.

    The second chart (Heap Usage by Server) lets you compare the heap usage between different app server instances. Each instance is represented by a cell. The size of each cell is determined by the heap size after garbage collection, while the color of each cell is determined by the percentage change in the heap usage. Shades of red indicate a growth in heap usage while shades of green indicate that the heap size has shrunk. Grey cells indicate no change in heap usage.

  2. Click the Group By list to select the metrics to group the app server instances.
    • Domain

    • Target Version

    • Target Type

    • JDK Version

    • Host Name

    • Life Cycle Status

    • Cost Center

    • Contact

    • None

  3. To view the top 10 app server instances with the most heap usage, from the Group By list, select Top 10 Servers.
  4. Select the app server instances for which you want to view specific information by clicking the corresponding cell. If you’ve decided to group the app server instances, then you can select a group of instances by clicking a specific block.

    Data about the current trend of heap usage and the forecasted heap usage for the selected app server instances loads in the Trend and Forecast chart.