Oracle Access Manager

Here’s a list of metrics, according to metric group.

Authentication Aggregates

The following table lists the metrics and their descriptions.

Metric Description

Average Authentication Latency

Average authentication latency

Authentication Requests

Authentication requests per second

Authentication Success Rate

Authentication success rate

Authorization Aggregates

The following table lists the metrics and their descriptions.

Metric Description

Average Authorization Latency

Average authorization latency

Authorization Requests

Authorization requests per second

Authorization Success Rate

Authorization success rate

LDAP Operation Aggregates

The following table lists the metrics and their descriptions.

Metric Description

Operation Name

Operation name

Average LDAP Operation Latency

Average Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) operation latency (in milliseconds)

LDAP Success Rate

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) success rate percentage

LDAP Operations

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) operations per second


The following table lists the metric and its descriptions.

Metric Description


Status of Oracle Access Manager