Oracle Hadoop NameNode

Here’s a list of the metrics, according to metric group.

Application Metrics

The following table lists the metrics and their description.

Metric Description

Create Rate

Number of create operations

Delete Rate

Number of delete operations

Rename Rate

Number of rename operations

Syncs Rate

Number of synchronization operations

Block Metrics

The following table lists the metrics and their description.

Metric Description

Block Capacity

Block capacity if Hadoop Distributed File System target

Blocks Total

Total blocks of Hadoop Distributed File System target

Blocks With Corrupt Replicas

Number of blocks with corrupt replicas

Excess Blocks

Total number of excess blocks

Missing Blocks

Total number of missing blocks

Memory Resource Metrics

The following table lists the metrics and their description.

Metric Definition

DFS Capacity

Total configured Hadoop Distributed File System storage capacity

DFS Capacity Free

Free storage space

DFS Capacity Used

Storage space used by Hadoop Distributed File System files

DFS Capacity Used Non HDFS

Storage space used by non-Hadoop Distributed File System files

JVM Blocked Threads

Blocked threads

JVM Heap Used

Total amount of used heap memory

JVM Max Memory

Maximum allowed memory

JVM New Threads

New threads

JVM Runnable Threads

Runnable threads

JVM Terminated Threads

Terminated threads

JVM Times Waiting Threads

Timed waiting threads

JVM Waiting Threads

Waiting threads

Resident Memory

Resident memory used

Virtual Memory

Virtual memory used

Read Write Metrics

The following table lists the metric and their description.

Metric Description

Time Since Last Checkpoint

The time since the last file system checkpoint

RPC Call Queue Length

RPC call queue length

RPC Open Connections

Open RPC connections

Transactions Since Last Checkpoint

Transactions since last log checkpoint

Transactions Since Last Log Roll

Transactions since last log roll

Response Metrics

The following table lists the metrics and its description.

Metric Description


Status of the target