Oracle SOA Infrastructure

Here’s a list of metrics, according to metric group.

Service Engine

The following table lists the metrics and their descriptions.

Metric Description

Engine Name

Name of the SOA service engine


Messages processed by the service engine


Errors generated by the service engine

Error Rate

Percentage of errors out of total messages processed by the service engine

SOA Composite Application

The following table lists the metrics and their descriptions.

Metric Description


Revision of the SOA composite application


Name of the SOA composite application

SOA Partition

Name of the SOA partition

System Faults

System faults generates by the SOA composite application

Business Faults

Business faults generated by the SOA composite application

Policy Violations

Policy violations generated by the SOA composite application

Error Rate

Percentage of errors out of total messages processed by the SOA composite application

Synchronous Response Time

Average time for processing synchronous transactions

Asynchronous Response Time

Average time for posting asynchronous transactions


Errors generated by the SOA composite application


Messages processed by the SOA composite application

SOA Infrastructure

The following table lists the metrics and their descriptions.

Metric Description


Messages processed across all the SOA composite applications


Errors generated across all the SOA composite applications