Export the Content from Oracle Log Analytics

You can export the log parsers and user-defined log sources to an XML file using the Oracle Log Analytics user interface.

Export the Log Parsers

Export the user-defined log parsers from the log parsers page to an xml file.

  1. From Oracle Log Analytics, click the OMC Navigation (open menu icon) icon on the top left corner of the interface. In the OMC Navigation bar, click Administration Home.
  2. In the Log Parsers section, you can click the available number of log parsers link.
    The Log Parsers page is displayed.
  3. In the Creation Type filter at the top of the page, select Custom.
    The user-defined parsers are listed in the Log Parsers page.
  4. Click the check box next to the log parsers that you want to export. Click Export.
    A zip file is generated for download. Specify a location on your host to store the zip file.
Unzip the zip file to recover the XML file containing the log parsers that you selected for export.

Export the Log Sources

When you export a log source, the associated parsers, extended field definitions and labels are also exported to the XML file. You can only export a user-defined log source and not out-of-the-box log sources.

  1. From Oracle Log Analytics, click the OMC Navigation open menu icon icon on the top left corner of the interface. In the OMC Navigation bar, click Administration Home.
  2. In the Log Sources section, click click the available number of log sources link.
    The Log Sources page is displayed.
  3. In the Creation Type filter at the top of the page, select Custom.
    The user-defined log sources are listed in the Log Sources page.
  4. Click the check box next to the log sources that you want to export. Click Export.
    A zip file is generated for download. Specify a location on your host to store the zip file.
Unzip the zip file to recover the XML file containing the log sources that you selected for export.