Install the Output Plug-In

Use the gem file provided by Oracle for the installation of the output plug-in.

Prerequisites: To ensure that the logs from your input source can be processed by the output plug-in provided by Oracle, verify that the input log events conform to the prescribed format, for example, by configuring the record_transformer filter plug-in to alter the format accordingly. See Configure the Format of the Incoming Log Events.

Note: If you must monitor multiple log files, then you can use the Multi Process Workers feature to process them simultaneously. It's recommendaded that to process N files in a set up with C CPU's for this plugin, use ceil (N/C) workers. You can have up to N/Workers number of files on each worker. For more information, see Multi Process Workers in Fluentd Documentation.

  1. Download the output plug-in file fluent-plugin-oracle-omc-loganalytics-1.0.gem and store it in your location machine.

  2. Install the Fluentd output plug-in by running the following command:

    • For RubyGems:

      gem install fluent-plugin-oracle-omc-loganalytics-1.0.gem
    • For td-agent:

      td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-oracle-omc-loganalytics-1.0.gem
  3. Configure Fluentd to route the log data to Oracle Log Analytics. Edit the Fluentd configuration file and save it as fluentd.conf. See Edit Fluentd Configuration File.

    If you're using td-agent, edit the configuration file provided by td-agent.

  4. To start collecting logs on Oracle Log Analytics, run Fluentd or td-agent:

    • Fluentd:

      fluentd -c <path to fluentd.conf>
    • Start td-agent:

      TZ=utc /etc/init.d/td-agent start

To troubleshoot errors, if you encounter any during log collection or during the set up, see If you use td-agent, then you can use the log file /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log to debug issues.

To stop td-agent at any point, run the following command:

TZ=utc /etc/init.d/td-agent stop