Perform Prerequisite Configuration Tasks

Set up the environment to use Oracle Log Analytics by performing these prerequisite configuration tasks.

Required Role: To complete these tasks, you must have the Oracle Management Cloud Administrator role. If this role isn’t assigned to you or you’re not sure, then ask your system administrator to ensure that the role is assigned to you in Oracle Cloud. See About Oracle Log Analytics Roles and Users.

Task Required / Optional Description
Add entities Required

After you’ve deployed your cloud agent, you must add the entities that your cloud agent will monitor. Review the list of entities available with Oracle Log Analytics and follow the workflow for adding new entities.

See Adding Oracle Management Cloud Entities.

For example, see Set Up Autonomous Database Audit Log Collection and Tutorial icon Tutorial to Add a WebLogic Server Entity to Log Analytics and Later Infrastructure Monitoring.

Create groups Optional

After you have added entities, you can create Groups to monitor and analyze log entries of those entities. A Group is a single logical unit that can include targets of the same type (for example, all your production databases). You can view, create, and delete groups in the Administration console in Oracle Management Cloud.

You can choose from the following types of groups:

  • Static: A static group does not have any qualifying criteria. The membership management for a static group is typically manual or static and you must decide which entities should be included in a static group. It is best suited for a group of entities whose membership is unlikely to change frequently. Static groups are created, updated, or deleted in the Administration console in Oracle Management Cloud.

    To create a static group, see Manage Groups in Working with Oracle Management Cloud.

  • Dynamic: A dynamic group allows you to add entities to a group based on set membership criteria. In dynamic environments where new entities come into the system frequently, entities that match the membership criteria are added automatically to a dynamic group.

    Dynamic groups can only be created using REST APIs. See All REST Endpoints in Oracle Management Cloud Common REST API.

    For more information about dynamic groups, see Manage Groups in Working with Oracle Management Cloud.

Create notification channels Optional

You may want to be actively notified through email, by push notifications (mobile devices), or have a third-party application take action when an Oracle Log Analytics alert is raised. Set up notification channels and reuse the channels across different alert rules.

See Set Up Notification Channels in Using Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring.

Create Remediation Action Optional

You can create a remediation action that’ll be performed automatically in response to an alert.

You can create a Remediation Action using the Event Service API. Contact your Oracle Support or Sales Representative for more information about accessing and using the Event Service API.

For an example of creating a remediation action, see Managing Incidents with Remediation Actions in Using Oracle Orchestration.