Analyze Data Movement Results

After you submit the data movement details for a destination Autonomous Database, you can monitor the progress of the data movement operation, analyze the results, and diagnose issues on the Activities page.

The Activities page is displayed as soon as you submit the data movement details on the Data Movement page. If you want to go to the Activities page at a later time, then go to the Database Home page of the destination Autonomous Database and click Activities in the Oracle Database navigation menu.

The Activities page has the following columns:

  • Action: Displays the Activity Name assigned to the data movement operation when submitting it. The default activity name is prefixed with "Data_Movement" and has the date and time when the operation was submitted. The data movement operation has the following three steps and you can monitor the progress of these steps by clicking the drop-down list to the left of the activity name:
    • Validate: Runs a number of checks such as validating the inputs you submitted on the Data Movement page, verifying connections to the source database, destination database, and Object Store, and estimating dump file size and ensuring that the directories and Object Store buckets have enough space.
    • Export: Exports dump files from the source database to Object Storage.
    • Import: Imports dump files from Object Storage to the destination database.
  • Status: Displays the status of a step in the data movement operation. There are five status types:
    • Submitted indicates that a step in the Data Movement operation, for example, Validate Data Pump, is submitted.
    • In Progress indicates that a step is in progress.
    • Completed Successfully indicates that a step has completed successfully.
    • Failed indicates that a step has failed.
    • Completed with Errors indicates that a step has completed with errors.
  • Start: Displays the time when the data movement operation started.
  • End: Displays the time when the data movement operation ended.
  • Elapsed Time: Displays the time taken for the data movement operation to complete.

The drop-down list (Activities Options) to the right of the Elapsed Time column has the following options:

  • View Details: Click to go to the Orchestration Workflows dashboard to view workflow execution details.
  • Log Analytics: Click to go to the Log Explorer page in Oracle Log Analytics and review the logs available for the data movement operation.
  • Analyze: Click to go to the Load Data Analysis page to diagnose the issues in the data movement operation, if any.

Diagnose Issues in the Data Movement Operation

On the Activities page, you can diagnose the issues in the data movement operation by clicking the status of a step in the Status column. The Load Data Analysis page is displayed and it has the following three tiles, which correspond to the steps in the Data Movement operation:

  • Validation: Displays the number of checks that were executed and provides information on the source database, destination database, and Object Storage. If you click Validation below the Validation tile, then the validation checks are listed on the page, which help narrow down the issues in this step, if any.
  • Export: Displays the number of database objects that were exported from the source database and provides information on the job, such as the Job Name, User, Type, and Status. If you click Export below the Export tile, then detailed information on the Object Errors, Datapump Options, and the Datapump Files (dump files) that were created during the export is displayed. You can use the information on this tile to diagnose issues in the Export step, if any.
  • Import: Displays the number of database objects that were imported to the destination database and provides information on the job, such as the Job Name, User, Type, and Status. If you click Import below the Import tile, then detailed information on the Object Errors, Datapump Options, and the Datapump Files (dump files) that were created during the import is displayed. You can use the information on this tile to diagnose issues in the Import step, if any.

On the Load Data Analysis page, if the number of errors is displayed against Error Count on the Export or Import tile, then you can click it to go to the Log Explorer page in Oracle Log Analytics and review the logs of the data movement operation and troubleshoot the issue.