Submit Data Movement Details

After you perform the prerequisite tasks, you can load data from an on-premises Oracle Database to an Autonomous Databases on the Data Movement page in Oracle Database Management.

To go to the Data Movement page, go to the Database Home page of the destination Autonomous Database and click Data Movement in the Oracle Database navigation menu. The Data Movement page is divided into four sections: Source, Destination, Cloud Storage, and Validation.


  1. In the Source section, click Add Source.

    The Select Source Database dialog box is displayed and lists all the on-premises databases and PDBs of version or later on a Linux host.

  2. Select the database or PDB and click Select. Note that you cannot select a Container Database (CDB).

    Information on the selected source database and the Source Inputs fields are displayed in the Source section.

  3. Update the Source Inputs fields.
    • Cloud Agent: Select the Cloud agent you installed to orchestrate the data movement operation and connect to the source database. See Install and Set Up a Cloud Agent.
    • Cloud Agent Credential: Enter the agent_credential_name you assigned to the host credential, when you set up a Cloud agent. See Install and Set Up a Cloud Agent.
    • Instant Client Location: Enter the location where you installed the Instant Client. See Install Oracle Instant Client.
    • Dump Directory: Enter the name of the directory object in which the dump files will be stored. See Perform Source Database Related Prerequisites.
    • Encryption Password and Confirm Password: Enter and confirm a password to ensure that the dump files being exported from the directory object are encrypted.
    • Database Credentials: Select New Credentials and enter a credential name for the source database in the Credential Name field. In the User Name and Password fields, enter the user name and password defined when creating the source database.
    • Database Host Credentials: These fields are enabled only when the Cloud agent and source database reside on different hosts. In such a case, the backup is copied from the source database host to the Cloud agent host using SSH. If these fields are enabled, enter the credential name used to connect to the host where the source database resides, in the Credential Name field. This credential requires the SSH user name and password.
  4. Click Advanced to view and select the following Oracle Data Pump export dump file set (expdp) utility options. For more information on expdp utility options, see Data Pump Export in Oracle Database Utilities.
    • EXCLUDE: The schema objects that are not applicable to the destination Autonomous Database and will be excluded are listed in this field. You can opt to remove one of the listed schema objects from the EXCLUDE field or add a schema object that must be excluded.
    • ENCRYPTION: The default value selected in this field is ALL, which enables the encryption of all the data and metadata in the export operation. You can opt to select one of the other values available in the drop-down list:
      • DATA_ONLY: Specify that only data is written to the dump files in encrypted format.
      • ENCRYPTED_COLUMNS_ONLY: Specify that only encrypted columns are written to the dump files in encrypted format.
      • METADATA_ONLY: Specify that only metadata is written to the dump files in encrypted format.
    • ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM: The default value selected in this field is AES128, however, you can select AES192 or AES256 from the drop-down list.
    • REMAP_DATA: Specify a remap function that takes as a source the original value of the designated column and returns a remapped value that will replace the original value in the dump files.
    • Add Option: Click the drop-down list in the Add Option field to add and use advanced export options such as COMPRESSION, CONTENT, and PARALLEL.

    After you're done updating the advanced export options, click OK.

  5. Click Next to go to the Destination section.


  1. In the Destination section, select from the predefined service names for Autonomous Databases in the Service drop-down list:
    • High: The High database service provides the highest level of resources to each SQL statement resulting in the highest performance, but supports the fewest number of concurrent SQL statements.
    • Medium: The Medium database service provides a lower level of resources to each SQL statement potentially resulting a lower level of performance, but supports more concurrent SQL statements.
    • Low: The Low database service provides the least level of resources to each SQL statement, but supports the most number of concurrent SQL statements.

    It's recommended that you select High in the Service drop-down list for data movement. For more information on predefined service names, see Predefined Database Service Names for Autonomous Database in Using Oracle Autonomous Database on Shared Exadata Infrastructure.

  2. Select the New Credentials option under Database Credentials and enter a credential name for the destination database in the Credential Name field. In the User Name field, enter ADMIN and in the Password field, enter the password you had set under Administrator Credentials when creating your Autonomous Database in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  3. Upload the Data Credentials (Wallet). See Perform Destination Database Related Prerequisites.
  4. Click Advanced to view and select the following Oracle Data Pump import dump file set (impdp) utility options. For more information on impdp utility options, see Data Pump Import in Oracle Database Utilities.
    • TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION: The default value selected in this field is SKIP, which leaves the table as is and moves on to the next object if the table you're trying to create already exists. You can opt to select one of the following values from the drop-down list:
      • APPEND: Load rows from the source and leave existing rows unchanged.
      • REPLACE: Drop the existing table and then create and load it from the source.
      • TRUNCATE: Delete existing rows and then load rows from the source.
    • PARALLEL: Specify the maximum number of processes of active execution operating on behalf of the import job. The default and the maximum value is the total number of CPUs and you can change it to a lower value.
    • Add Option: Click the drop-down list in the Add Option field to add and use advanced import options such as REMAP_DATAFILE, REMAP_DIRECTORY, and REMAP_SCHEMA.
  5. Click Next to go to the Cloud Storage section.

Cloud Storage

  1. In the Cloud Storage section, enter the Object Storage URL in the Storage URL field. The format of the storage URL is objectstorage.<yourregion>, for example,
  2. Enter the Object Storage namespace assigned to your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy in the Namespace field. See Understanding Object Storage Namespaces in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.
  3. Enter the name of the bucket you created to store dump files in the Bucket Name field. See Perform Cloud Storage Related Prerequisites.
  4. Enter the credential name created when discovering the Autonomous Database in Oracle Database Management in the Credential field. See Discover Autonomous Databases.
  5. Click Proxy Settings and enter the Proxy Host and Port if a proxy is needed to communicate from the source database host to the Object Storage.
  6. Click Next to go to the Validation section.


In the Validation section, click Validate to:
  • Validate the details you've provided.
  • Verify connections to the source database, destination database, and Object Store.
  • Ensure that the user has all the necessary permissions.
  • Estimate the dump file size and ensure that the directory and the Object Store bucket have enough space.
After the validation is complete, the analysis results are displayed and a green check mark denotes a successful check and a red cross denotes an unsuccessful check.


Clicking Validate is an optional task and you can submit data movement details without validating them. The details will be validated automatically on the Activities page.
As the final step, click Submit, specify an Activity Name to track the data movement operation in the Confirm dialog box, and click Yes. The Data Movement message is displayed briefly and then the Activities page is displayed.