View Average Active Sessions Data by a Selected Dimension

You can select an average active sessions dimension such as Consumer Group, Wait Class, or Instance and view the top activity for that dimension for the selected time period.

  1. Go to the Performance Hub.
    • The Autonomous Database entity name is displayed in the Global Entity Selector field.
    • The time period for which information is available on the Performance Hub is displayed in the Time Selector field and the selected time period is displayed on the Time Range.
    • The ASH Analytics tab is displayed with the top activity for a selected dimension in the selected time period.
  2. Select the time in the Time Selector field on the top-right corner of the Performance Hub.
  3. Use the Time Range Slider to further narrow down the time period for which performance data is displayed on the ASH Analytics tab.
  4. Select a dimension in the Average Active Sessions by drop-down list to display ASH analytics by that particular dimension. By default, the Consumer Group dimension is selected and the data is categorized by the High, Medium, or Low service name associated with the Autonomous Database entity.

    Optionally, you can:

    • Select Max CPU (cores) to view the number of CPU cores. The CPU cores are denoted by a red line on the chart.
    • Select Total Activity to view a black border that denotes total activity of all the components of the selected dimension on the chart. This option is selected by default when you use the filtering capabilities to only view the data for a particular component within a dimension. For information on filtering Average Active Sessions data, see Filter Average Active Sessions Data.
  5. For the dimension selected in the Average Active Sessions by drop-down list, you can further drill down into session details by selecting dimensions in the two sections at the bottom of the ASH Analytics tab. By default, the following dimensions are selected:
    • SQL ID By Consumer Group, which displays the SQL statements with the top average active sessions activity for consumer groups for the selected time period. You can right-click the bar charts to sort the SQL statements in ascending or descending order or click the SQL ID to go the SQL Details page.
    • User Session By Consumer Group, which displays the user sessions with the top average active sessions activity for consumer groups for the selected time period. You can right-click the bar charts to sort the user sessions in ascending or descending order or click the user session to go to the User Session page.