Add Arista Ethernet Switch

You can add Arista Ethernet Switch entities using the Add Entity UI or using the cloud agent command line interface (omcli) with the appropriate JSON files.

Step 1: Prepare Arista Ethernet Switch for monitoring.


SNMPv1/v2 or SNMPv3 credentials are needed for monitoring.

If SNMPv1/v2 is used, you must provide the SNMP community string (which was entered during the Arista Switch configuration) along with IP address of agent that will be used for Arista Switch monitoring.

If SNMPv3 is used, you must provide the SNMPv3 user, plus the authentication method (SHA or MD5) and authorization password if authorization is used. In addition, you must supply the privilege method (only DES is supported) and privilege password if privilege is used. Everything needs to be manually configured up front in the Arista Switch.

Read-only access is all that’s required for Arista Switch monitoring.

Step 2: Decide how you want to add the Arista Ethernet Switch.

You can add Arista Ethernet Switch entities using one of two ways:

  • Add them from UI
  • Use the agent's omcli add_entity command with the appropriate JSON files

Adding Entities from the UI

  1. From the Management Cloud main menu, select Administration, Discovery, and then Add Entity. The Add Entity page displays.
  2. Select the Arista Ethernet Switch Entity Type.
  3. Enter the following UI properties.
    Arista Ethernet Switch UI Fields
    • Entity Name: Name of your Arista Ethernet Switch in Oracle Management Cloud
    • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Arista Ethernet Switch>
    • SNMP Port: Port where Arista Ethernet Switch listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
    • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
    • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Arista Ethernet Switch is installed.

    Monitoring Credentials

    SNMP V1/V2

    • COMMUNITY: Community String for SNMP communication

    SNMP V3

    • Username: SNMPv3 username.
    • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
    • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication - supply either MD5 or SHA
    • Privacy Password: Password used for encryption.

See Add Entities from the Console for detailed instructions on using the Add Entity UI.

Using omcli and the Appropriate JSON Files

  1. Download and extract the required JSON file(s) from the master JSON zip file. See the table below for the specific JSON files you'll need.
  2. Edit the file(s) and specify the requisite properties shown below.
    Arista Ethernet Switch JSON Files and Properties

    Definition File: omc_arista_eth_switch_sample.json

    • omc_dispatch_url: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Arista Ethernet Switch>
    • omc_snmp_port: Port where Arista Ethernet Switch listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
    • omc_snmp_timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
    • omc_snmp_version: SNMP version used to monitor Arista Ethernet Switch (2c or 3) - 2c by default (optional)

    Credential Files

    Choose the credential json file according to what SNMP credentials you'd like to use - SNMP v2c or SNMP v3. SNMP v2c


    Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv1/v2. Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the SNMPv2c community string used during the Arista Ethernet Switch configuration.

    • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string.


    Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv3

    • authUser: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide provide SNMPv3 user name.
    • authPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the auth password or empty out the field.
    • authProtocol: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the auth-method (SHA or MD5).
    • privPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the privilege method password, if privilege is used. Only the DES privilege method is supported.
  3. Add the entity using omcli.
    omcli add_entity agent DEFINITION_FILE [-credential_file CREDENTIAL_FILE [-encryption_method_gpg]] 
  4. Verify the status of the newly added entity.
    omcli status_entity agent DEFINITION_FILE

See step 4. Adding Entities to Your Service of Add Entities Using JSON Files for more information.

Step 3: (Optional but recommended) Set up alerts.

To enable lights-out monitoring, you can set up alert rules to generate alerts and send notifications if your entities have performance issues.

See Set Up Alert Rules and Set Up Alert Thresholds and Notifications.


If you run into any issues regarding discovery or monitoring of Arista Ethernet Switch, see the following: