Add JBoss Server/Domain

You can add JBoss entities using the Add Entity UI or using the cloud agent command line interface (omcli) with the appropriate JSON files.

Step 1: Prepare JBoss for monitoring.


Before discovering a JBOSS server or domain, you must first add the JBOSS client jar file to the Cloud agent as a plug-in. The JBOSS client jar file contains the required JMX protocols that allow the agent to collect JBOSS metrics.

The JBOSS client jar is distributed as part of the JBOSS installation. When you download the JBOSS zip file, the client jar file will be bundled with it.

Step Action
Step 1: Locate the JBOSS client jar file.

From the JBOSS home directory, you will find the client jar file at the following location:

> JBOSS_HOME/bin/client

In this directory, you’ll see the jboss-client.jar file. This is the file you need to copy over to the Cloud agent location.

Step 2: Copy the JBOSS client jar file to the Cloud agent installation. Copy the jboss-client.jar file to a secure location that is accessible by the Cloud agent. Typically, this is located on the same host where the agent is installed.
Step 3: Add the jboss-client.jar to the Cloud agent installation as a plug-in.

From the Cloud agent home directory, navigate to the agent state directory:


Create a classpath file. This file tells the agent where to find the jboss-client.jar. The file naming convention is <plugin_id>.classpath.lst.

Example: If you’re adding the GFM plug-in (plug-in ID is oracle.em.sgfm), the file name would be oracle.em.sgfm.classpath.lst .

Edit the classpath file and add the absolute path to the jboss-client.jar file at the end of the file.


Bounce the agent. Any modifications made to the classpath file will not take effect until the agent is restarted. Once the agent has been bounced, you are ready to discover the JBOSS entity (server or domain).

Step 4: Discover the JBOSS server/domain.
  1. From the Oracle Management Cloud console, select AdministrationàDiscoveryàAdd Entity. The Add Entity page displays.

  2. From the Entity Type drop-down menu, choose either JBOSS Domain or JBOSS Server. The appropriate JBOSS parameters are displayed.

  3. Enter the appropriate parameters and monitoring credentials.

  4. Click Add Entity.

About JBOSS Monitoring Credentials

Depending on whether you choose JBOSS Server or JBOSS Domain entity type, the required monitoring credentials will differ:

JBOSS Server

  • JBOSS Username: User account used by the agent for monitoring.

  • JBOSS Password: Password for the above user account.

JBOSS Domain

  • JBOSS Credentials:
    • JBOSS username and password: Credentials used by the agent for monitoring.

    • App User Name and Password: Credentials used to communicate with servers in the domain.

  • User Credential Set:
    • Alias and Password: Same as the JBOSS username and password used for the JBOSS Credentials.


      This is needed because two different fetchlets are being used.

Step 2: Decide how you want to add the JBoss.

You can add JBoss entities using one of two ways:

  • Add them from UI
  • Use the agent's omcli add_entity command with the appropriate JSON files

Adding Entities from the UI

  1. From the Management Cloud main menu, select Administration, Discovery, and then Add Entity. The Add Entity page displays.
  2. Select the JBoss Entity Type.
  3. Enter the following UI properties.
    JBoss Server/Domain UI Fields

    JBoss Server

    • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
    • Host Name: Your Fully-qualified JBoss Standalone J2EE Server Host Name
    • JBoss Management Port: Your JBoss Management Console Port
    • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the JBoss Server/Domain.

    Monitoring Credentials (JBoss Credentials)

    • Username: Your JBoss Management User Name
    • Password: Password used for authentication.

See Add Entities from the Console for detailed instructions on using the Add Entity UI.

Using omcli and the Appropriate JSON Files

  1. Download and extract the required JSON file(s) from the master JSON zip file. See the table below for the specific JSON files you'll need.
  2. Edit the file(s) and specify the requisite properties shown below.
    JBoss Server/Domain JSON Files and Properties

    Definition Files



    Credential Files



    JBoss Standalone Server:

    • host_name: Your Fully-qualified JBoss Standalone J2EE Server Host Name
    • omc_management_port: Your JBoss Management Console Port

    For Non-Secure (no-SSL):

    • CredType:MonitorCreds


    • user_name: Your JBoss Management User Name
    • password: Your JBoss Management User Password

    For Secure (SSL):

    • CredType:MonitorCreds


    • user_name: Your JBoss Management User Name
    • password: Your JBoss Management User Password
    • ssl_trust_store: Your OMC Cloud Agent Truststore Location
    • ssl_trust_store_password: Your OMC Cloud Agent Truststore Password

    JBoss Domain:

    • omc_host_name: Your Fully-qualified JBoss Domain Controller Host Name
    • omc_management_port: Your JBoss Management Console Port

    For Non-Secure (no-SSL):

    • CredType:MonitorCreds


    • user_name:Your JBoss Management User Name
    • password:Your JBoss Management User Password
    • app_user_name: Your JBoss Application User Name
    • app_user_password: Your JBoss Application User Password
    • CredType:AliasCredential
    • Alias: Your JBoss Management User Name
    • Password: Your JBoss Application User Password

    For Secure (SSL):

    • CredType:MonitorCreds


    • user_name: Your JBoss Management User Name
    • password: Your JBoss Application User Password
    • app_user_name: Your JBoss Application User Name
    • app_user_password: Your JBoss Application User Password
    • ssl_trust_store: Your cloud agent Truststore Location
    • ssl_trust_store_password: Your cloud agent Truststore password.
    • CredType:AliasCredential
    • Alias: Your JBoss Management User Name
    • Password: Your JBoss Application User Password
    • CredType: Store Credential
    • StoreLocation: Your OMC Cloud Agent Truststore Location
    • StorePassword: Your OMC Cloud Agent Truststore Password
  3. Add the entity using omcli.
    omcli add_entity agent DEFINITION_FILE [-credential_file CREDENTIAL_FILE [-encryption_method_gpg]] 
  4. Verify the status of the newly added entity.
    omcli status_entity agent DEFINITION_FILE

See step 4. Adding Entities to Your Service of Add Entities Using JSON Files for more information.

Step 3: (Optional but recommended) Set up alerts.

To enable lights-out monitoring, you can set up alert rules to generate alerts and send notifications if your entities have performance issues.

See Set Up Alert Rules and Set Up Alert Thresholds and Notifications.


If you run into any issues regarding discovery or monitoring of JBoss, see the following: