Availability (Up/Down) Status for Entities Monitored by Telegraf

For most entities monitored by Telegraf, availability is turned off by default, but can be enabled by setting the appropriate emd.properties file property. For a specific subset of entities where the concept of “availability” does not apply, availability processing cannot be enabled.

Availability processing is not applicable (and cannot be enabled) for the following Telegraf plug-ins:

  • cpu
  • disk
  • diskio
  • interface
  • kernel
  • mem
  • swap
  • system

Availability processing for all other Telegraf plug-ins is set to “not applicable” by default, but can be enabled via the following property settings in the emd.properties file.

Table H-1 Availability Properties

Property Description Example

Sets multiplication factor for down detection to 4 times the collection interval instead of the default value of 3.



Sets the wait time for down response to 35 seconds while default is 30 seconds.



Enable sending availability (up/down) for Telegraf plug-ins.

The following example illustrates enabling availability processing for Telegraf's plugin2.



Increases the response processor interval from the default 1 minute to 10 minutes.

The following example sets the response processor interval to 10 minutes.
