I Custom Metric Collection Methods and Metric Columns

Collection methods provide comprehensive, easy-to-use monitoring connectivity with a variety of target types. Metric columns define the data returned by the collection method.

Collection Method

A collection method enables communication with a specific entity type and translates the entity data to standards-compliant XML and back. The custom metric entity type determines which collection methods are made available from the Oracle Management Cloud console. For example, when creating a custom metric for an Automatic Storage Management entity type, only two collection methods (OS Command and SQL) are available from the UI.

Oracle Management Cloud provides the following collection methods:

Metric Columns (Advanced Options)

Metric columns define the data that is returned by the collection method. In certain situations, you may want the metric column value to be based on calculations performed using other metric columns, or perhaps differences and/or rates of change between metric columns. Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring allows you to perform advanced operations on metric columns to increase metric utility and flexibility: