Rate and Delta Metric Columns

You can create additional metric columns based on an existing data column that measure the rate at which data changes or the difference in value (delta) since the last metric collection.

After at least one metric column has been created and the metric column row is selected in the table, two additional options appear in the Add menu:

  • Delta metric column on <selected metric column>
  • Rate (per min) metric column on <selected metric column>

To create a rate/delta metric column, click on an existing data column in the metric columns table and then select one of the rate/delta column menu options from the Add menu.

Usage Examples

  • Add Delta metric columns based on another metric column

    Example: You want to know the difference in the table space used since the last collection.

    Delta Calculation:

    current metric value - previous metric value
  • Add Rate Per Minute metric column based on another metric column

    Example: You want to know the average table space usage per minute based on the table space column metric which is collected every 1 hr.

    Rate Per Minute Calculation:

    (current metric value - previous metric value)/ collection schedule