Hadoop YARN

Table 1-160 Supported Configuration Metrics for Hosted Target

Metric Group Name Unit Description
Resource Allocation Total CPUs N/A Total number of CPUs allocated or available to the entity
Resource Allocation Total Memory GB Total amount of usable Physical RAM allocated or available to the entity

Table 1-161 Supported Status and Performance Metrics for Hadoop YARN

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description

Application Counter Metrics


Applications Running


Applications running on the service target during the collection time interval

Application Counter Metrics


Applications Accepted


Applications accepted on the service target during the collection time interval

Application Counter Metrics


Applications Succeeded


Applications successfully completed on the service target during the collection time interval

Application Counter Metrics


Applications Failed


Applications failed on the service target during the collection time interval

Alert Metrics


Alerts Rate

per sec

Number of alert events generated per second

Table 1-162 Supported Status and Performance Metrics for Hosted Target

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description
CPU Utilization CPU Usage sec All CPUs usage during the interval
CPU N/A CPU Utilization % Percentage of CPU that was utilized
CPU N/A Interval sec Interval of metric collection
Memory Load Memory Usage GB Memory used in GB
Memory Utilization Memory Utilization % Percentage of memory that is utilized
Memory N/A Interval sec Interval of metric collection

Table 1-163 Status and Performance Metrics for Generic Target

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description
Response Availability Status N/A Status of the target