Microsoft SQL Server Database

There are no Microsoft SQL Server specific configuration metrics supported. All configuration metrics are inherited from parent entities as listed below.

Table 1-277 Supported Configuration Metrics for Relational Database

Metric Group Name Unit Description
Creation Date Creation Date N/A Date when the database was created
Total Memory Capacity Host Memory GB Total host memory capacity in GB
Resource Allocation Instance Name N/A RDB Instance
Resource Allocation Host Name N/A Host name of the instance
Resource Allocation Total CPUs N/A total number of CPUs allocated or available in this instance
Resource Allocation Total Memory GB Total amount of usable Physical RAM allocated or available to this instance.
Lookup Config Metrics Value NA Value

Table 1-278 Supported Configuration Metrics for Hosted Target

Metric Group Name Unit Description
Resource Allocation Total CPUs N/A Total number of CPUs allocated or available to the entity
Resource Allocation Total Memory GB Total amount of usable Physical RAM allocated or available to the entity

Table 1-279 Supported Status and Performance Metrics for Microsoft SQL Server Database

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description
Throughput Load Transactions Per Second txns/sec Number of transactions per second
Throughput Load Logins Per Seconds logons/sec Number of logins per second
Throughput Load Current logons Count NA Count of current logons
Throughput Load Executions Per Seconds executions/sec Number of executions per second
Top Wait Events Load Wait Event Name NA Wait event name
Top Wait Events Load Total Wait Time sec Total wait time
Top Wait Events Load Total Waits NA Total wait count
Top Wait Events Load Average Wait Time sec Average wait time
Database Status . Database Name NA SQLServer Database Name
Database Status Availability Database Status NA SQLServer Database Status
SQLServer Database Performance Counters . Database Name NA SQLServer Database Name
SQLServer Database Performance Counters Load Performance Counter Name NA Performance Counter Name
SQLServer Database Performance Counters Load Performance Counter Value NA Performance Counter Value
SQLServer Database Performance Rate . Database Name NA SQLServer Database Name
SQLServer Database Performance Rate Load Performance Counter Name NA Performance Counter Name
SQLServer Database Performance Rate Load Performance Rate per sec Performance Rate for the Counter
Cluster Nodes Response SQL Server Cluster Node Name NA Name of the cluster node
Cluster Nodes Response SQL Server Cluster Node Status NA Status of the cluster node

Table 1-280 Supported Status and Performance Metrics for Relational Database

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description
Database Resource Stats . Instance ID NA RDB instance
Database Resource Stats . Host Name NA Host name of the instance
Database Resource Stats Response RDB Instance CPU Time sec CPU time used by the instance
Database Resource Stats . RDB Instance CPU collection Interval sec collection interval
Database Resource Stats Response RDB Aggregated CPU Time sec Aggregated CPU time used by DB
Database Resource Stats . RDB Aggregated CPU interval sec collection interval time
Database Resource Stats Load RDB Instance Memory GB Memory consumed by instance in GB
Database Resource Stats . RDB Instance Memory interval sec Memory Collection interval
Database Resource Stats Load Aggregated RDB Memory GB Aggregated memory consumed by DB in GB
Database Resource Stats . Aggregated RDB Memory interval sec Aggregated memory usage collection interval
Database Resource Stats Load RDB Instance I/O Bandwidth Usage MB/sec I/O bandwidth usage for db instance
Database Resource Stats Load RDB Instance I/O Per Second IOPS I/O per second rate for instance.
Database Resource Stats Load RDB Instance I/O interval sec IO rate collection interval
Database Resource Stats Load Aggregated DB I/O Bandwidth Usage MB/sec Aggregated I/O bandwidth usage for DB
Database Resource Stats Load Aggregated DB I/O Per Second IOPS Aggregated IO per second rate for DB
Storage Usage By Tablespace . Storage Tablespace Name NA Tablespace Name
Storage Usage By Tablespace Capacity Total Space Allocated GB Total size of a tablespace's datafiles in GB
Storage Usage By Tablespace Utilization Space Utilization Percentage % Percent of storage space utilized
Storage Usage By Tablespace Load Space Used GB Tablespace used in GB
Storage Space Usage Utilization Storage Space Allocated GB Storage space allocated in GB
Storage Space Usage Utilization Storage Space Utilization % Percent of storage space utilized
Storage Space Usage Load Space Used GB Storage space used in GB
Load Load Logons NA The number of logons during the last collection interval
Load Load Logons Rate logons/sec Number of logons per second during the last collection interval
Load Load Transactions NA Number of transactions during the last collection interval
Load Load Transactions Rate txns/sec Number of transactions per second during the last collection interval
Load Load Executions NA Number of executions during the last collection interval
Load Load Execution Rate executions/sec Number of executions per second during the last collection interval
Load Load Network I/O bytes Number of bytes sent and received over the network during the last collection interval
Load Load Network I/O Rate bytes/sec Network I/O in bytes/second during the last collection interval
Top SQL Executions Load SQL ID NA Unique Identifier for the SQL statement
Top SQL Executions . Plan Hash Value NA Numerical representation of the SQL plan for the cursor
Top SQL Executions Load Top SQL Text NA SQL text of the top-ranked SQL
Top SQL Executions Response Execution Count NA Execution Count of the top-ranked SQL
Top SQL Executions Response Total Elapsed Time ms Total time used to execute the SQL statement. This includes CPU time and wait time
I/O Performance Load I/O Per Second IOPS I/O per second.
I/O Performance Load I/O Bandwidth Usage MB/sec I/O bandwidth usage during the last collection interval
Instance CPU Utilization Instance ID NA RDB instance
Instance CPU Utilization Host Name NA Host name of the instance
Instance CPU Utilization CPU Usage sec All CPUs usage during the interval for this instance
Instance CPU Utilization CPU Utilization % Percentage of CPU that was utilized in this instance
Instance CPU . Interval sec Interval of metric collection
Instance CPU Utilization Instance Caging status NA Status of Resource Manager plan's Instance Caging
Instance Memory Usage Utilization Instance ID NA RDB instance
Instance Memory Usage Utilization Host Name NA Host name of the instance
Instance Memory Usage Utilization Instance Memory Usage GB Memory used in GB
Instance Memory Usage Utilization Memory Utilization % Percentage of memory that is utilized in this instance
Instance Memory Usage . Interval sec Interval of metric collection
I/O Per Second Instance Level Load Instance ID NA RDB instance
I/O Per Second Instance Level Load Host Name NA Host name of the instance
I/O Per Second Instance Level Load I/O Per Second IOPS I/O per second for this instance
I/O Per Second Instance Level Load I/O Bandwidth Usage MB/sec I/O bandwidth usage during the last collection interval for this instance
I/O Per Second Instance Level . Interval sec Interval of metric collection
Database Activity . Instance ID NA RDB instance
Database Activity . Host Name NA Host name of the instance
Database Activity Load CPU Time sec CPU time (in seconds) of foreground sessions
Database Activity Load Wait Time sec Wait time (in seconds) of foreground sessions
Database Activity Load I/O Time sec I/O time (in seconds) of foreground sessions
Database Activity . Interval sec Interval of metric collection
Instance Load . Instance ID NA RDB instance
Instance Load . Host Name NA Host name of the instance
Instance Load Load Logons NA The number of logons during the last collection interval
Instance Load Load Logons Rate logons/sec Number of logons per second during the last collection interval
Instance Load Load Transactions NA Number of transactions during the last collection interval
Instance Load Load Transactions Rate txns/sec Number of transactions per second during the last collection interval
Instance Load Load Executions NA Number of executions during the last collection interval
Instance Load Load Executions Rate executions/sec Number of executions per second during the last collection interval
Instance Load Load Network I/O bytes Number of bytes sent and received over the network during the last collection interval
Instance Load Load Network I/O Rate bytes/sec Network I/O in bytes/second during the last collection interval
Instance Load . Interval sec Interval of metric collection
SQL Statistics . SQL ID NA SQL ID
SQL Statistics . Plan Hash Value NA Numerical representation of the SQL plan for the cursor
SQL Statistics Load Executions NA Number of times the SQL statement was executed
SQL Statistics Response Elapsed Time ms Total time (in milliseconds) used by this SQL for parsing, executing and fetching
SQL Statistics . Interval sec Interval of metric collection

Table 1-281 Supported Status and Performance Metrics for Hosted Target

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description
CPU Utilization CPU Usage sec All CPUs usage during the interval
CPU N/A CPU Utilization % Percentage of CPU that was utilized
CPU N/A Interval sec Interval of metric collection
Memory Load Memory Usage GB Memory used in GB
Memory Utilization Memory Utilization % Percentage of memory that is utilized
Memory N/A Interval sec Interval of metric collection

Table 1-282 Status and Performance Metrics for Generic Target

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description
Response Availability Status N/A Status of the target