Oracle Traffic Director Cluster

Table 1-416 Supported Configuration Metrics for Oracle Traffic Director Clusters

Metric Group Name Unit Description
Listeners Listener N/A Listener
Listeners Listener Enabled Boolean Indicates if the listener is enabled (true) or not enabled (false)
Listeners Listener IP Address N/A Server listening IP address
Listeners Listener Port N/A Server listening port
Listeners Server Name N/A Server name used in server generated URLs
Listeners Default Virtual Server / TCP Proxy N/A Default Virtual Server / TCP Proxy for the listener
Listeners Acceptor Threads N/A Number of threads dedicated to accepting connections received by this listener
Listeners Protocol Family (Default/inet/inet6/inet-sdp) N/A The network address family for the listener. ‘Default’ implies that the family will be derived from the IP address
Listeners Listen Queue Size N/A Maximum size of the operating system listen queue backlog
Listeners Protocol Mismatch Handled Boolean Indicates if the server redirects clients that use wrong protocol (true) or not (false)
Listeners Blocking IO Enabled Boolean Indicates if the server uses blocking IO (true) or not (false)
Origin Server Pools Server Pool N/A Server Pool
Origin Server Pools Origin Server Host N/A Origin Server Host
Origin Server Pools Origin Server Port N/A Origin Server listening port
Origin Server Pools Enabled Boolean Indicates if the origin server is enabled (true) or not (false)
Origin Server Pools Backup Server Boolean Indicates if the origin server is backup server (true) or not (false)
Origin Server Pools Received Requests Ratio N/A The ratio of requests (with respect to other origin servers) received by this origin server
Origin Server Pools Maximum Connections N/A The maximum number of connections that the origin server can handle concurrently
Origin Server Pools Ramp Up Time sec The time for Oracle Traffic Director to ramp up the request sending rate to the full capacity of this origin server
Failover Groups Failover Virtual IP N/A The virtual IP address for the failover group
Failover Groups Network Prefix N/A Name of the primary OTD instance
Failover Groups Backup Instance N/A Name of the backup OTD instance
Failover Groups Primary Instance NIC N/A Network Interface (NIC) for the primary OTD instance
Failover Groups Backup Instance NIC N/A Network Interface (NIC) for the backup OTD instance
Failover Groups Router ID N/A Router ID for the failover group

Table 1-417 Supported Status and Performance Metrics for Oracle Traffic Director Clusters

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description Inherited From
Performance Statistics for all Instances Load Request Rate reqs/sec Number of requests processed per second across all OTD instances Generic Load Balancer
Performance Statistics for all Instances Response Request Processing Time ms Average response time for the requests across all OTD instances N/A
Performance Statistics for all Instances Error Error Rate errors/sec Number of errors returned per seconds across all OTD instances N/A
Performance Statistics for all Instances Load Data Transmission Rate KB/sec Size of data transmitted per second across all OTD instances N/A
Performance Statistics for all Instances N/A Data Receive Rate KB/sec Size of data received per second across all OTD instances N/A
Origin Server N/A Origin Server N/A Origin server name N/A
Origin Server N/A Server Pool N/A Origin server pool name N/A
Origin Server Availability Status N/A Indicates if the back-end server is online (1), offline (2), or unreferenced (3) N/A
Origin Server Capacity Active Connections N/A Number of active connections across all OTD instances N/A
Origin Server N/A Idle Connections N/A Number of idle connections across all OTD instances N/A
Origin Server Load Request Rate reqs/sec Number of requests processed per second across all OTD instances N/A
Origin Server N/A Sticky Request Rate reqs/sec Number of sticky requests processed per second across all OTD instances N/A
Origin Server Error Error Rate errors/sec Number of errors returned per second across all OTD instances N/A
Origin Server Load Data Transmission Rate KB/sec Amount of data transmitted per second across all OTD instances N/A
Origin Server N/A Data Receive Rate KB/sec Amount of data received per second across all OTD instances N/A
Virtual Server N/A Virtual Server   Virtual server name N/A
Virtual Server Load Request Rate reqs/sec Number of requests processed per second across all OTD instances N/A
Virtual Server Error Error Rate errors/sec Number of errors returned per second across all OTD instances N/A
Virtual Server Load Data Receive Rate KB/sec Amount of data received per second across all OTD instances N/A
Virtual Server N/A Data Transmission Rate KB/sec Amount of data transmitted per second across all OTD instances N/A

Table 1-418 Status and Performance Metrics for Generic Target

Metric Group Category Name Unit Description
Response Availability Status N/A Status of the target