How do I store multiple account credentials?

The Oracle Management Cloud mobile application supports storing multiple account credentials. You can store up to 25 accounts.

Upon first launch of the OMC mobile application, if haven’t already saved any account information, you will be directed to the Account Information screen. You can use this screen to add an account by entering the following details manually or by scanning the QR code. See How do I add an account by using the QR code?.
  • Account Nickname: This is a nickname for your account. It can be any user string.

  • Data Center: This is the drop down list from where you can select the data center. If the data center that you are looking for, is not part of the list, then select ?Other, and enter the URL of the data center in the format

  • Login with Tenant ID: This is the toggle that can be used to log in to the account using the tenant ID.

    The Tenant ID field gets displayed only if the toggle is turned on. Switch the toggle on if you want to log in to your account using the tenant ID, and enter the tenant ID.

  • Username: This the username of the account.

  • Password: This is the password of the account.

After you enter the details, click Save. You will now be directed to the login screen. You can sign in to any account using this screen. Tap the Accounts button at the top right corner of the login screen to view the list of saved accounts.

To edit an account:

  • Tap the Accounts button on the login screen.

  • Select the account that you want to edit, and update the required field(s).

  • Tap Save.

To add a new account:

  • Tap the Accounts button on the login screen.

  • Tap Add at the top right corner.

  • Enter the following details:

    • ACCOUNT NICKNAME: Specify the nickname for the new account that you wish to add.

    • DATA CENTER: Select the data center from the drop down list. If the data center that you are looking for is not on the list, select ?Other, and enter the URL of the data center. If you choose to manually enter the URL of the data center, a toggle Login with Tenant ID is displayed, which can be used to log in to the account using the tenant ID.

      The Tenant ID field gets displayed only if the toggle Login with Tenant ID is turned on. Switch the toggle on if you want to log in to your account using the tenant ID, and enter the tenant ID.

    • IDENTITY DOMAIN: Specify the tenant name.

    • USER NAME: Specify the user name.

    • PASSWORD: Specify the password.

  • Tap Save.

To delete an account from the saved accounts list:

  • Tap the Accounts button on the login screen.

  • Swipe left, on the account nickname that you want to delete, and then tap Delete.