Collect User Information from Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS)

This tasks shows how to configure Security Monitoring and Analytics integration with Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) for user details.

This is a two part task, skip to the second part if you meet the criteria described in part 1.
  • Part 1 — Obtain the identify context access credentials from your trusted application in Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

  • Part 2 — Once you configure your identity context integration settings in Security Monitoring and Analytics.

Task prerequisites

Administrative access to both platforms: Oracle Identity Cloud Service and Oracle Management Cloud.

Part 1. Obtaining The Identity Context Access Credentials from Oracle Identity Cloud Service

  1. Login to Oracle Identity Cloud Service as an administrator.
  2. If you already have a Trusted Application instance created in Oracle Identity Cloud Service, skip to Step 3.
    1. In Oracle access details from Identity Cloud Service, go to the Applications page and click Add.
    2. Select Trusted Application.
    3. In the Add Trusted Application page, provide items below and click Next.
      • Instance name

      • Instance description (optional)

    4. In the Client page, do the following and click Next.
      • Select Configure this application as a client now.

      • Under Authorization for Allowed Grant Types, select Client Credentials, JWT Assertion and SAML2 Assertion.

      • At the bottom of the page, select Grant the client access to Identity Cloud Service Admin APIs, and enter Audit Administrator and Identity Domain Administrator in its text field.

    5. In the Expose APIs to Other Applications page, leave Skip for later selected, and click Next.
    6. Click Activate to finish creating your application instance.
  3. In the trusted application’s home page, select tab: Configuration .
    image description temp
  4. Copy values for the following (as they are required when configuring integration settings in Oracle Security Monitoring and Analytics):
    • Client ID: Under Genera Information.

    • Client Secret: Click Show Secret.

    • Base URL: From your browser’s URL field.

    Base URL includes the REST endpoint, the recourse that you want to access, and other query parameters, if needed. The Base URL value includes everything, starting with https and ending with .com. It should look similar to this sample:

Part 2. Configuring Identity Context Integration in Oracle Security Monitoring and Analytics

  1. Login to Oracle Management Cloud as an administrator.
  2. From Oracle Management Cloud’s home page, go to Security Monitoring and Analytics, Security Admin, and select Identity Context.
  3. Provide values your Access credentials: Base URL, Client ID, Client Secret, select a time interval for Upload Identity Data (optional), and Save.
    Configuration dialog box outlining the Base URL, Client ID and Client Secret fields, Time drop-down and the Save button.