Follow an End-to-End Example Journey Using REST API

This example will go over an end-to-end workflow on how to create, update, query, and delete your resources using the REST API for Oracle Management Cloud.

Create a new Entity Type

Oracle Management Cloud offers different options to create a new entity type.

Option 1: Create an Entity Type and an Entity in one operation

Oracle Management Cloud will automatically create the entity type without any metrics if the entity type doesn't exist yet. This command will create an entity MyHostEntity001 and the entity type MyHostType. To implement custom metrics for the entity type, the definition must be updated using POST /serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entityTypes.

Create a new JSON file called myEntity000.json and paste the following:


This cURL call will create a new entity called MyHostEntity000 of type MyHostType.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities -d "@myEntity000.json"

This option is useful for an all in one solution. The drawback to this is that the entity type definition will be empty and will require the definition of the entity type to be updated manually. The next option starts with creating an entity type, where there is more control over the metrics and properties of the entities.

Option 2: Create an entity type, then move to step 2 to create an Entity.

Create a new JSON file called myEntityType.json and paste the following:

  "entityType": "MyHostType",
  "properties": [
  "metrics": [
      "dimensions": [
      "metric": "cpuUser"
      "dimensions": [
      "metric": "cpuSystem"
      "dimensions": [
      "metric": "cpuIdle"
  "typeDisplayName": "My Host Type"

This will create a new entity type MyHostType with a unique identifying property id with three metrics cpuUser, cpuSystem and cpuIdle inside the dimension cpuId. Separating metrics inside dimensions will be useful later when querying entities and data points.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entityTypes -d "@myEntityType.json"

The next step will go more in-depth about the versatility of the Entities API.

Create a new Entity

The Entities API lets you create entities and entity types, it also manages the infrastructure by using tags.

Option 1: Create a basic Entity

A cURL call with a payload including an entity type and an entity name is all that's needed to create an Entity. If the entity type doesn't exist, Oracle Management Cloud will create one automatically.
Create a new JSON file called myEntity000.json and paste the following:

Send the following cURL call to create a new entity called MyHostEntity000 with entity type MyHostType.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities -d "@myentity000.json"

Option 2: Create an Entity with some tags and a display Name

Create a new JSON file called myEntity001.json and paste the following:

  "entityDisplayName":"My Host Entity 001",
  "properties": { 

This option is more robust and has more control over the entity. This cURL call will create a new entity with name MyHostEntity001, located in foo, with OS bar.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities -d "@myEntity001.json"

In the following step we will go over the functionality of the Tag API.

Create, Associate, and Group an Application to a Host

Associations and tags are a way to create a link between two or more entities. Group entities together to organize and query entities together.

Assume that an application is now running in MyHostEntity001. This step will create a new entity MyApplication of type MyApplicationType and associate it to previously created entity MyHostEntity001. An association parameter will be included in the payload to MyHostEntity001 with tags for runs_on and loc, these tags will be useful when grouping and querying resources.

Create a new JSON called myApplication.json and paste the following:

  "entityType": "MyApplicationType",
  "entityName": "MyApplication",
  "associations": [
      "entityType": "MyHostType",
      "entityName": "MyHostEntity001",
      "tags": {
        "runs_on": "java",
        "loc": "foo"

Using the Create Entities API, an entity type MyApplicationType will be created automatically.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities -d "@myapplication.json"

Create a Group containing all Entities located in foo

Create a new JSON file called groupEntities.json and paste the following:

  "groupDisplayName": "My Entities in foo",

Create a new group for all entities located in foo.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/groups -d "@groupEntities.json"

Query your Entities

REST API for Oracle Management Cloud offers a way to query entities by name, type, and tags using the Entities API.

This step will cover how to get your entities by entity name, entity type, tags, and a combination of some more complex criteria.

Query entities by using a GET or POST call. With the GET call, specify the query parameters directly in the path. For the POST call, send a JSON payload with the search criteria.

Get an Entity of Type MyHostType and Name MyHostEntity001

This cURL call will get MyHostEntity001 of type MyHostType.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities?entityType=MyHostType&entityName=MyHostEntity001

Get all Entities of a Specific Type

This cURL call will get all entities of type MyHostType.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities?entityType=MyHostType

Get all Entities Using Wildcards in the Name

This cURL call will get all entities starting with My*. To use a wildcard, use an asterisk *. Wildcards can only be used in entity name and tags.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities?entityName=My*

Get all Entities that are Located in foo

This cURL call will get all entities that are located in foo using tags in the path.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities?tagKey=loc&tagValue=foo

The following examples are using POST calls. POST calls accept queries with more complex criteria. These queries can be written down as logical statements or expressions. (e.g Queries can be concatenated using AND or OR statements.)

Query all Entities that are Located in foo and have OS bar

Create a new JSON file with name locAndOS.json and paste the following:

  "tagCriteria":"(loc=foo and os=bar)"

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "@locAndOS.json" OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities/query"

Query all Entities with names starting with My that are located in foo

Create a new JSON file called wildcard.json and paste the following:


Wildcards can also be used inside the JSON payload when querying for entity name or tag values.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "@wildcard.json" OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities/query"

Query all Entities that are located in foo but don't have OS bar

Create a new JSON file called locNotOS.json and paste the following:

  "tagCriteria":"loc=foo and os!=bar"

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "@locNotOS.json" OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities/query"

Next step will go over uploading metrics to entities.

Upload Metrics

Get and upload metrics to resources using the Metrics API in the REST API for Oracle Management Cloud.

Uploading can be done synchronous or asynchronous by defining the async parameter in the path. The response will contain a status link to get the status of the upload. Uploading multiple metrics for multiple entities and multiple collection times can be done in one request.

Create a new JSON file called metricsEntity001.json and paste the following:

    "entityType": "MyHostType",
    "entityName": "MyHostEntity001",
    "collectionTime": "2018-10-11T13:14:15.001Z",
    "dimension": {
      "cpuId": "0"
    "metric": "cpuUser",
    "value": 20
    "entityType": "MyHostType",
    "entityName": "MyHostEntity001",
    "collectionTime": "2018-10-11T13:14:15.001Z",
    "dimension": {
      "cpuId": "0"
    "metric": "cpuSystem",
    "value": 50
    "entityType": "MyHostType",
    "entityName": "MyHostEntity001",
    "collectionTime": "2018-10-11T13:14:15.001Z",
    "dimension": {
      "cpuId": "0"
    "metric": "cpuIdle",
    "value": 30
    "entityType": "MyHostType",
    "entityName": "MyHostEntity001",
    "collectionTime": "2018-10-11T13:14:15.001Z",
    "dimension": {
      "cpuId": "1"
    "metric": "cpuUser",
    "value": 10
    "entityType": "MyHostType",
    "entityName": "MyHostEntity001",
    "collectionTime": "2018-10-11T13:14:15.001Z",
    "dimension": {
      "cpuId": "1"
    "metric": "cpuSystem",
    "value": 5
    "entityType": "MyHostType",
    "entityName": "MyHostEntity001",
    "collectionTime": "2018-10-11T13:14:15.001Z",
    "dimension": {
      "cpuId": "1"
    "metric": "cpuIdle",
    "value": 85

The following cURL call will upload some metrics to MyHostEntity001. These metrics contain information for every metric in dimension cpuId 0 and 1.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/metrics?async=false -d "@metricsEntity001.json"

List metric timeseries

REST API for Oracle Management Cloud offers various ways to query data points in your metrics.

Time series can be queried by raw data points, aggregated data over a time interval in seconds, or split interval periods in seconds. All time must be written following the format: UTC YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ

Supported Functions:

The following are the supported aggregated functions that you can use to query:

  • MAX
  • MIN
  • AVG

Get all time points

The following cURL call will print all data uploaded from MyHostEntity001 between October 10 and October 20.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/metrics?startTime=2018-10-10T12:00:00.000Z&endTime=2018-10-20T12:00:00.000Z&entityType=MyHostType&entityName=MyHostEntity001

Get all time points for cpuIdle in cpuId = 0

The following cURL call will print all data from cpuIdle in dimension cpuId=0 uploaded from MyHostEntity001 between October 10 and October 20.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/metrics?startTime=2018-10-10T12:00:00.000Z&endTime=2018-10-20T12:00:00.000Z&entityType=MyHostType&entityName=MyHostEntity001&dimension=cpuId=0&metric=cpuIdle

Get the average cpuIdle in cpuId = 0

The following cURL call will print the average cpuIdle value in dimension cpuId=0 uploaded from MyHostEntity001 between October 10 and October 20.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/metrics?startTime=2018-10-10T12:00:00.000Z&endTime=2018-10-20T12:00:00.000Z&entityType=MyHostType&entityName=MyHostEntity001&dimension=cpuId=0&metric=cpuIdle&function=AVG

Get the average cpuIdle in cpuId = 0 divided into intervals of 300 seconds

The following cURL call will print the average cpuIdle value in dimension cpuId=0 calculated in intervals of 300 seconds uploaded from MyHostEntity001 between October 10 and October 20.

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/metrics?startTime=2018-10-10T12:00:00.000Z&endTime=2018-10-20T12:00:00.000Z&entityType=MyHostType&entityName=MyHostEntity001&dimension=cpuId=0&metric=cpuIdle&function=AVG&period=300

Delete Entities

Delete your Entities and Groups using the Delete call.

Delete MyHostEntity001 and MyApplication

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities?entityType=MyHostType&entityName=MyHostEntity001

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/entities?entityType=MyApplicationType&entityName=MyApplication

Delete MyFooGroup

curl -u USER:PASSWORD -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://OMC_URL:PORT/serviceapi/entityModel/uds/groups/MyFooGroup