Clear the alert



This operation clears the alert identified by the id.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()

The comment can be optionally added to the alert when it is closed manually

Root Schema : ClearAlertAnnotation
Type: object

The comment can be optionally added to the alert when it is closed manually

Show Source
  • The comment to be added to the alert while clearing it
    Example: Underlying issue has been fixed for this alert
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Alert was cleared
Body ()
Root Schema : ClearedAlertResponse
Type: object

The returned response when an alert is closed manually

Show Source
  • Status of the clear alert operation
    Example: OK

400 Response

This error is raised if the manual clear action is not allowed on the specific alert or if the alert id is invalid
Body ()
Root Schema : InvalidRequest
Type: object

When invalid alert API request is received, alert system returns this response.

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500 Response

encountered unhandled exception
Body ()
Root Schema : UnhandledException
Type: object

When alert system runs into unhandled exception, it returns this response.

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Clear the alert

curl -u ${OMC_USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} -X POST -d '{"comment": "Sample comment while closing an alert manually"}' "https://serverurl/serviceapi/eventServices/alerts/62965132339213727047162539738389170623/actions/clear"

The response might look like the following:

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