Get alert history



Retrieves list of messages associated with the alert along with corresponding timestamps.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

query was successful
Body ()
Root Schema : ItemListHistoryElements
Type: object

It is describing the list of history elements returned in response to an alert history request.

Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
The items
Show Source
Nested Schema : HistoryElement
Type: object

It provides a message associated with the alert and its time.

Show Source
  • The message
    Example: Sent email to
  • The message time in UTC
    Example: 2020-09-02T19:41:53.281Z

400 Response

The alert id is invalid
Body ()
Root Schema : InvalidRequest
Type: object

When invalid alert API request is received, alert system returns this response.

Show Source

500 Response

encountered unhandled exception
Body ()
Root Schema : UnhandledException
Type: object

When alert system runs into unhandled exception, it returns this response.

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Get alert history

curl -u ${OMC_USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} -X GET "https://serverurl/serviceapi/eventServices/alerts/62965132339213727047162539738389170623/history"

The response might look like the following:

     "items": [
       "time": "2020-07-20T19:01:59.248Z",
       "message": "Alert was automatically cleared: There was no update for the past seven days. Notifications will be skipped. Associated tickets, if any, will be updated."  
       "time": "2020-07-13T19:00:22.532Z",
       "message": "Sent email to"
       "time": "2020-07-13T19:00:11.133Z",
       "message": "Critical Alert: CPU Utilization for is 95.75 %; it is greater than expected value of 95 % for 10 minutes"
     "hasMore": false,
     "count": 3
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