Location REST Endpoints

The Location API lets you query about location devices, assets they're associated with, and the places where they're located.
Return a Device by ID
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/devices/{id}
Return a Device by Name
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/devices
Return a Place by ID
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/places/{id}
Return a Place by Name
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/places
Return an Asset by ID
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/assets/{id}
Return an Asset by Name
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/assets
Return Assets by Query
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/location/assets/query
Return Devices by Query
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/location/devices/query
Return Places by Query
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/location/places/query