Get Access Token



Retrieves an access token for connecting to the Live Experience client that's associated with the backend.


The authorized user can be a social user, virtual user, or a mobile user. If the authorized user is a mobile user, then the user must have a role that's associated with the mobile backend.


Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Token was obtained successfully.
Body ()
Root Schema : Live Experience Access Token
Type: object
Title: Live Experience Access Token
Live Experience access token and related information.
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)

400 Response

Bad Request. Either the Live Experience credential information is invalid or Live Experience must be switched on in the backend Settings page.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Title: Error
The error JSON object returned by the service.
Show Source
Nested Schema : o:errorDetails
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Included when the error is caused by multiple issues.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Error Detail
Type: object
Title: Error Detail
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)
    "detail":"Bad Response from client. Check your connection properties",
    "title":"Bad Response from client",
    "o:ecid":"HqFoV1V0000000000, 0:1",
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Here's an example of using cURL to obtain a Live Experience access token.

curl -i \
-X POST   \
-H 'Oracle-Mobile-Backend-ID: ABCD59b-f13c-4722-81b8-4e719b5a4622' \

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header:

200 OK
Content-Length: 1203
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2018 18:28:45 GMT

Example of Response Body

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format:

    "access_token": "ABCDbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJvcmFjbGVtY3MiLCJpc3MiOiJhdXRoMTYyZDg3ZjFiNzhtIiwiZXhwIjoxNTMwOTAyOTI3LCJzZXJ2ZXJfdmVyc2lvbiI6IjE4LjQuMSIsImlhdCI6MTUzMDkwMTcyNywidGVuYW50X3JvbGUiOlsiZ3Vlc3QiXSwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiIxcDhhcGVlazc5YnFjYzZxaXNpaiJ9.SpcRrkTNUpFfC6c6b0CBhaLUmUfL0YGiHPYCsHOWbc3bBmBRta3q2p1Zki0vT0y_lKdIb9EqNzAyxzH3cRbUNqlqeble31l566t0-yh886gJoVTu0W4zWAA2LM_EYSLtJcygX0k0ErjXJOQJ9LFM4jz60Y1n-0cNAKzdSPAJ6v4lIf1b1UODdbArIIcuQiC2bYUwbbtf_P57pdXcNuymTixk4_TDcmGbRlqxrOI-lZ7Tyx-YHPPwPDHZzk0O-9pJtt7wfG6MsLPM02ar1H7jTY35mLn0RTJ_LdBDjOQdIE8HSKlECAOndPXA48bwSFNHKGHc3YSUzTKv7h7_HHFRNQ",
    "expires_in": "1200",
    "id_token": "ABCDbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJvcmFjbGVtY3MiLCJpc3MiOiJhdXRoMTYyZDg3ZjFiNzhtIiwiZXhwIjoxNTMwOTAyOTI3LCJzZXJ2ZXJfdmVyc2lvbiI6IjE4LjQuMSIsImlhdCI6MTUzMDkwMTcyNywidXNlcm5hbWUiOiIxcDhhcGVlazc5YnFjYzZxaXNpaiJ9.XjIZCZA2sxto6uaPM35QUDuf6RjYtBzTfD7GRdniD5mTTzJKO3s86HGEBnVppe8BzxaRZOndT8iZykmePxCAprMVjd5SV-ozfu0FHE2rxiVFdJdPpO9Uahld7NVe6DczMafHI1huDtccjDP_WxNTDn_riyLHRyhzJri_ea2OUFDvLg0t3qlwB_pHuFdPhzaQlH7UpAYJFa1z0pdiSTkvJjbOKDerGfNpLBYW-HRO80CaPa1-47lAlo6sIyLfoqT5379sol-g62xV1P-HYClDL9pKYIjd6WrNUBXpdyc1M20xnYyxEWIJre8gRx3LsiAXC873sOLRbiRD9x3t-EsMXQ",
    "token_type": "Bearer"
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