Quick Start

You can create your first call to the platform APIs entirely through the UI.


Prerequisite More Information

Obtain a user account.

Manage Subscriptions

Create a backend.

Creating and Populating Backends in Developing Applications with Oracle Mobile Cloud, Enterprise

Call the Platform APIs

After you log into the UI, your first step towards calling a platform API is to create a cloud-based companion to a mobile app called a backend. All calls to the platform APIs are sent through backends.

Using the UI, you can quickly create a backend and then add any assets needed by the platform APIs. For example, to test the endpoints of the Storage API, you first create the backend. Then you create a storage collection that you associate with the backend, and you add data objects to it.

Even though a backend supports a mobile app, you do not need a mobile app, a device emulator, or external tools to test the platform APIs. Instead, you can use the API test pages that the UI provides for each platform API. These test pages enable you to test any endpoint by entering values for the parameters, header fields, and request bodies. A test page also describes the HTTP response codes within the context of the service, and shows you the returned response body, which is typically in JSON format.