All REST Endpoints

Analytics Collector
The Analytics Collector API lets you use custom analytic events to store information about how users use your app.
Send Events to Analytics App
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/analytics/events
App Policies
The App Policies API lets you retrieve a backend's properties. These are the properties from the backend's App Policies page.
Retrieve App Policies
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/appconfig/client
Auth Token
Use this API to exchange a token issued by an external identity provider for a mobile user access token.
Exchange Token
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/auth/token
Database Access
The Database Access API provides operations to add, update, view, and delete rows in a database table. When you add a row, the API implicitly creates the table if it doesn't exist. The API also provides an operation for executing SQL statements. For security reasons, you can access these operations only from custom API implementations by using the custom code SDK. You can't make direct requests from client applications. This API is included in this reference merely to describe the request and response bodies for the custom code SDK calls.
Add or Update Rows
Method: put
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}
Add Rows
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}
Delete a Row with a 1-Column Key
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}
Delete a Row with a 2-Column Key
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}
Delete a Row with a 3-Column Key
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}/{id3}
Delete a Row with a 4-Column Key
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}/{id3}/{id4}
Execute SQL (POST)
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/database/sql
Get a Row with a 1-Column Key
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}
Get a Row with a 2-Column Key
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}
Get a Row with a 3-Column Key
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}/{id3}
Get a Row with a 4-Column Key
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}/{id3}/{id4}
Get Rows
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}
Database Management
The Database Management API enables team members who have an Administrator or Developer role to add, view, replace, and drop tables that are created (and updated) automatically when you POST or PUT a JSON object to the Database Access API.
Create a Table
Method: post
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables
Create an Index
Method: post
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables/{table}/indexes
Remove a Table
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables/{table}
Remove an Index
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables/{table}/indexes/{index}
Remove and Re-create a Table
Method: put
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables/{table}
Return Metadata About All Tables
Method: get
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables
Return Metadata for a Table
Method: get
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables/{table}
The Location API lets you query about location devices, assets they're associated with, and the places where they're located.
Return a Device by ID
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/devices/{id}
Return a Device by Name
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/devices
Return a Place by ID
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/places/{id}
Return a Place by Name
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/places
Return an Asset by ID
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/assets/{id}
Return an Asset by Name
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/location/assets
Return Assets by Query
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/location/assets/query
Return Devices by Query
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/location/devices/query
Return Places by Query
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/location/places/query
Location Management
The Location Management API lets team members with the Administrator role create, update, and delete location devices, places, and assets.
Add Assets
Method: post
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/assets
Add Assets from File
Method: post
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/assets/upload
Add Devices
Method: post
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/devices
Add Devices from File
Method: post
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/devices/upload
Add Places
Method: post
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/places
Add Places from File
Method: post
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/places/upload
Delete Asset
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/assets/{id}
Delete Device
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/devices/{id}
Delete Place
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/places/{id}
Update Asset
Method: put
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/assets/{id}
Update Device
Method: put
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/devices/{id}
Update Place
Method: put
Path: /mobile/system/locationManagement/places/{id}
Mobile Devices
The Mobile Devices API lets you configure which devices that are running a mobile app can receive notifications.
Deregister Mobile Client
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/devices/deregister
Register Mobile Client
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/devices/register
My Profile
The My Profile API allows mobile apps to get information about the current mobile, virtual, or social user.
Retrieve My Profile
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/users/me
Retrieve User Information
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/users/{username}
Update User Information
Method: patch
Path: /mobile/platform/users/{username}
Update User Information
Method: put
Path: /mobile/platform/users/{username}
My Profile Extended (Deprecated)
This API is deprecated. Use My Profile instead.
Retrieve Extended User Information
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/extended/users/{username}
Team members with either the Administrator or Developer role can use the Notifications API to create, cancel, and retrieve notifications.
Create Notification
Method: post
Path: /mobile/system/notifications/notifications/
Delete Notification
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/system/notifications/notifications/{id}
Return a Notification
Method: get
Path: /mobile/system/notifications/notifications/{id}
Return Notifications by Query
Method: get
Path: /mobile/system/notifications/notifications/
The Storage API lets you store objects in the cloud. An object can be text, JSON, or a binary object such as an image. The objects are grouped by collection.
Remove an Object by ID
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/platform/storage/collections/{collection}/objects/{object}
Return a List of Collections
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/storage/collections
Return a List of Objects
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/storage/collections/{collection}/objects
Return an Object
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/storage/collections/{collection}/objects/{object}
Return Collection Metadata
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/storage/collections/{collection}
Return Collection Metadata
Method: head
Path: /mobile/platform/storage/collections/{collection}
Return Object Metadata
Method: head
Path: /mobile/platform/storage/collections/{collection}/objects/{object}
Store an Object
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/storage/collections/{collection}/objects
Store an Object by ID
Method: put
Path: /mobile/platform/storage/collections/{collection}/objects/{object}