Update Backend



Updates the backend's metadata.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
Path Parameters
Type: string
Required: true
The identifier of the backend.
Header Parameters
Type: string
The request completes successfully only if the ETag of the corresponding asset matches the value of this HTTP request header. To force overwrite, pass the value `*`.
Body Parameter
The backend representation for PUT requests.
Root Schema : mobilebackendUpdate
Type: object
The backend representation for PUT requests.
Nested Schema : assetUpdate
Type: object
The asset representation for PUT requests.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendUpdate-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : mobilebackendRoleAccess
Type: object
The backend's role-access details.
Nested Schema : stringArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of string values.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
204 Response
The backend metadata was updated. No content was returned in this response.
400 Response
The backend specification is missing.
Root Schema : error
Type: object
Nested Schema : errorDetails
Type: object
409 Response
The update modifies the backend's name or version and a backend with the same name or version (or both) already exists.
Root Schema : error
Type: object
Nested Schema : errorDetails
Type: object
412 Response
The operation failed based on the `If-Match` condition. Typically, this is the result of concurrent modification detection. It also can be the result of improper values specified in the request headers.
Root Schema : error
Type: object
Nested Schema : errorDetails
Type: object