Retrieve Backends



Returns an array of metadata about the mobile backends. You can filter the results, page through the results, and specify a sort order.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
Query Parameters
Type: array
Collection Format: multi
Expression to exclude from the result the elements that have IDs in the list. Example: exclude=57165555-aa10-4838-938a-354c2b3a287sa&exclude=57165555-aa10-4838-938a-354c2b3a287s
Type: string

Filter backends by the following filter types. You can provide multiple values as a comma-separated string. For example, filterType=NOT_PUBLISHED,NOT_TRASH,ACTIVE.

  • PUBLISHED returns all backends that are in the published state.
  • NOT_PUBLISHED returns all backends that aren't in the published state.
  • TRASH returns all backends that have the inTrash attribute set to true.
  • NOT_TRASH returns all backends that have the inTrash attribute set to false.
  • ACTIVE returns all backends that have the inactive attribute set to false.
  • INACTIVE returns all backends that have the inactive attribute set to true.

Type: string

Include only the assets that have been modified or deleted on or after the specified time. Example: 2016-03-03T15:13:39.419Z.

Filters by modifiedOn for assets that haven't been trashed and by deletedOn for trashed assests.

Supported values:

  • Number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
  • Date in ISO 8601 format
  • Relative value, such as -1s, -1m, and -1h
Type: array
Collection Format: multi
Expression to return only the elements that have IDs in the list. Example: id=93079180-bb00-4838-938a-753c2b3a957a&id=57165555-aa10-4838-938a-354c2b3a287s
Type: integer (int64)
The maximum number of items to return. If the total number of items to return is greater than the limit, then the response returns a link to get the next set of items.
Type: integer (int64)
The index where you want to start browsing the list of items. If you don't specify an offset, then the offset defaults to 0, which is the first item in the list. The response contains the offset used and a link to get the previous set of items.
Type: string
The sort order for the results. The default sort order is ascending by name. When you specify a sort order with pagination, the next and previous links respect the ordering. Multiple values can be provided as a comma-separated string. Format: `orderBy=attr[:("asc"|"desc")] [,attr[:("asc"|"desc")]]`, where the `attr` parameter can be one of [ name | version | modifiedOn | createdOn | deletedOn | deletedBy ]. Example: `orderBy=name:asc,modifiedOn:desc`
Type: string
Performs a case-insensitive search for backends that have a name, display name, or description that contains the string that's provided in this parameter. For example, q=myBackend. This parameter doesn't support query languages.
Type: string

Include only the assets that have been modified or deleted on or before the specified time. Example: 2016-03-03T15:13:39.419Z.

Filters by modifiedOn for assets that haven't been trashed and by deletedOn for trashed assests.

Supported values:

  • Number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
  • Date in ISO 8601 format
  • Relative value, such as -1s, -1m, and -1h
Type: boolean
Reserved for enabling the total number of available elements in the response. This parameter is ignored because the total elements count always is available and is provided in the response.
Header Parameters
Type: string
Indicates the preferred set of natural languages to use for the response. The results are sorted based on the language. Example: da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
200 Response
An array of the backends' metadata with pagination information.
An array of backend elements with paging information.
Root Schema : mobilebackendPaging
Type: object
An array of backend elements with paging information.
Nested Schema : paging
Type: object
The pagination information.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendPaging-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : paginationLinksArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of links for paginated metadata.
Nested Schema : Link to the paginated metadata.
Type: object
Title: Link to the paginated metadata.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of metadata about the mobile backends.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendListGet
Type: object
The backend representation for GET requests.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendShortGet
Type: object
The backend representation for GET requests.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendListGet-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : assetGet
Type: object
The asset representation for GET requests.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendOAuthKeys
Type: object
The client keys (client_id/client_secret) that are required for backend access using OAuth.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendBasicAuthKeys
Type: object
The mobile backend ID that's required for backend access when you use Basic access authorization.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendShortGet-allOf[3]
Nested Schema : assetUpdate
Type: object
The asset representation for PUT requests.
Nested Schema : assetIdEtag
Type: object
The asset ID and entity tag (ETag) values.
Nested Schema : trash
Type: object
Indicator of whether the asset is in the trash.
Nested Schema : assetGet-allOf[3]
Nested Schema : entityLinksArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of links for an entity's metadata.
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Link to the entity's metadata.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendRoleAccess
Type: object
The backend's role-access details.
Nested Schema : stringArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of string values.
Nested Schema : identityProviderArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of the identity providers' metadata.
Nested Schema : identityProvider
Type: object
Identity provider representation.
Nested Schema : identityProviderCredentialGet
Type: object
Information about a CSF key for an identity provider that is enabled for the backend.


The following example shows how to get metadata about the most recently created backend. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl -i -X GET  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$BASE_URL/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends?limit=1&orderBy=modifiedOn:desc"

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response headers.

200 OK
Content-Length: 3018
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2017 01:21:58 GMT

Example of Response Body

The following example shows, in JSON format, the contents of the response body.

    "count": 1,
    "totalResults": 5,
    "hasMore": true,
    "links": [
            "rel": "next",
            "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends?offset=1&limit=1&totalResults=true"
            "rel": "first",
            "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends?offset=0&limit=1&totalResults=true"
            "rel": "last",
            "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends?offset=4&limit=1&totalResults=true"
            "rel": "canonical",
            "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends"
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends?limit=1&orderBy=modifiedOn%3Adesc"
    "items": [
            "id": "2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b",
            "name": "motd",
            "version": "1.0",
            "desc": "Message of the Day",
            "links": [
                    "rel": "canonical",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b"
                    "rel": "purgeDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/purgeDependencies"
                    "rel": "purging",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/purging"
                    "rel": "trashDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/trashDependencies"
                    "rel": "trashing",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/trashing"
                    "rel": "untrashDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/untrashDependencies"
                    "rel": "untrashing",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/untrashing"
                    "rel": "dependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/dependencies"
                    "rel": "history",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/history"
                    "rel": "publication",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/publication"
                    "rel": "reverseDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/reverseDependencies"
                    "rel": "notifications",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/notifications/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/notifications"
                    "rel": "apis",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/apis"
                    "rel": "collections",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/collections"
                    "rel": "basicAuthentication",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/security/basic"
                    "rel": "basicAuthenticationKeys",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/security/basic/keys"
                    "rel": "identityProviders",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/security/identityproviders"
                    "rel": "oauthKeys",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/security/oauth/keys"
            "published": false,
            "inTrash": false,
            "actionComment": null,
            "etag": "1",
            "createdOn": "2017-10-05T01:21:10.158Z",
            "modifiedOn": "2017-10-05T01:21:10.158Z",
            "modifiedBy": "jdoe",
            "deletedOn": null,
            "deletedBy": null,
            "clientId": "2e7325ad6d744e2c9f9f7d8c4d638d2e",
            "clientSecret": "f2bba628-3a94-44f0-a97a-f2f826e86dcb",
            "basicAuthBackendId": "4db53cf9-4ac6-444f-890c-ae8e263a866c",
            "oauth": true,
            "basicAuth": true,
            "identityProviders": [
                    "id": "bbc6e92b14eb0e6a899b767f1cbbc006",
                    "name": "facebook",
                    "enabled": false,
                    "credential": null
            "inactive": false,
            "roleAccess": {
                "enabled": false,
                "roles": []