Add a Decision Logic Type

A decision has logical notations such as decision tables, expressions, if-then-else rules, and so on. The first step in modeling a decision is to select the logic type you plan to use in order to obtain a specific output.

  1. On the diagram palette, choose one of the following decision types under Decisions.
    • Empty Decision

    • Context

    • Decision Table

    • Expression

    • Function

    • If-Then-Else

    • List

    • Loop

    • Relation

  2. Select and drag a decision type onto the canvas.
  3. Position the cursor at the point you want to add the decision and release the mouse click.
  4. To edit decision properties, click the three dots in the decision, and click Edit.

    The Decision Properties pane opens. Note that when you add any decision element to the canvas, a new decision logic with a default name (for example, Decision1) is created and associated with the element. You can edit the information related to the logic from the properties pane.

  5. Enter the necessary information about the decision logic in the properties pane.
    Field Description


    Enter a unique name for the decision logic you want to create and associate with the element. You can also select a previously defined decision logic for the element. Click Expand Expand icon and select an implemented logic from the available options.


    If you add a particular decision type to the canvas and select a different type of logic from the Name drop-down menu, the element's logic type changes.

    Click Edit Edit icon to edit the decision element's logic. You can also double-click element on the canvas to view or edit its logic.

    Click Delete to delete the decision logic associated with the element.


    Change the decision logic type if required. For example, you can add an empty decision to the canvas and change its logic from the properties pane.


    If you select a previously implemented decision logic in the Name field and change its type in the Logic field, the content of the previous implementation is overwritten.


    Provide additional information, if any, for the decision logic.


    Add the questions allowed for the decision logic.

    Allowed Answers

    Add the possible answers for the decision logic.

  6. Click Close to save the information and close the pane.

  7. To delete the decision element you added to the canvas, select the element and click Three dots menu (horizontal) and then click Delete.