Configure Email Fields

Add an email control to allow users to enter a valid email address to your web form.

  1. From the Basic Palette, drag and drop an email control onto the canvas.
  2. Select the control and edit its properties on the Properties pane's General tab.
    Field Description


    An internal identifier that you will use to identify the control.


    Defines a link between the control and a data attribute.

    Computed Value

    Set this property to apply a computation to the control. See Create Computed Controls.

    Default Value

    Specifies an email to display to users when the form loads and the current control value is empty.

    You must ensure that you enter a valid email format in the field, otherwise you will get a message indicating that the email format entered isn’t valid.


    Hint text that describes the expected email format. This hint text will display in the control before users enter a value.


    Useful hint text that displays to users when they select the control.


    Help text to display to users when they hover over or click the control’s help icon.

    Max Length

    Sets the maximum number of characters users can enter before the @ symbol for the email.

    Min Length

    Sets the minimum number of characters users can enter before the @ symbol for the email.


    Specifies events that trigger actions and conditions. You can customize the control’s behavior by configuring events. See Add Dynamic Behavior to Forms.

  3. On the Styling tab, edit the control's styling properties.
  4. Click Preview to try out using the control.