Add Dynamic Behavior to Forms

Use events to introduce dynamic behaviors into your forms, and combine them with actions, conditions, functions, and REST connector calls.

For example, you can introduce the following behaviors into your forms:

  • Populate data in a control field based on another control field in the form. For example, a Country select field will impact the State select field and the State select field will impact the City select field.

  • Enable control field validation based on another form control field. For example, if Start Date is given then End Date is mandatory or a Full Name gets its value from the First Name and Last Name.

  • Make a REST call on demand, store the call’s response, and use response data in an event action or condition.


    To use logged-in user's credentials when loading a form to execute a REST operation, define a REST connector without credentials. To use the same operation as a service call in the process, define another identical REST connector with credentials. This applies to internal REST API calls only.