Specify Functions

Use functions in event actions and conditions to perform common operations with strings, values, and arrays. For example, use a function to add two values, concatenate two strings, or sum items in table rows.

Important points about functions:
  • You can specify parameters for selected functions. The parameter value can be a constant, data definition value, control value, other function, or connector data value.

  • Some functions support selecting arrays of data or repeatable controls.

  • You can nest functions, such as concatenate multiple strings or the results of multiple rows. You might select a concatenate function and concatenate a data value, connector data value, or control value with another value such as a constant.

Note that the event window where you specify functions has an embedded Help that gives details on each function. Choose a category in the Category column, the Function column on the right displays the related functions of the chosen category. Select a function to view details about that function with examples in the area below.

Description of embedded-help.png follows
Description of the illustration embedded-help.png
Function Category Function Name Parameters Description
Date Current Date None

Returns the current date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. For example: 1998-06-12.

Date Current Time None

Returns the current time in 24-hour time using the format T00:00:00. For example: T21:07:28.

Date Current Date Time None

Returns the current date and time in the format yyyy-mm-dd T00:00:00. For example: 1977-06-16 T21:07:28.

Date Add Seconds (Date, Number)

Adds a specified number of seconds to a specified time.

AddSeconds(originalTime, secondsToAdd)
  • Time originalTime: the time to which you want to add the seconds.
  • Number secondsToAdd: the number of seconds that you want to add to the specified time.
Date Add Minutes (Date, Number)

Adds a specified number of minutes to a specified time.

AddMinutes(originalTime, minutesToAdd)
  • Time originalTime: the time to which you want to add the minutes.
  • Number minutesToAdd: the number of minutes that you want to add to the specified time.
Date Add Hours (Date, Number)

Adds a specified number of hours to a specified time.

AddHours(originalTime, hoursToAdd)
  • Time originalTime: the time to which you want to add the specified hours.
  • Number hoursToAdd: the number of hours that you want to add to the specified time.
Date Add Days (Date, Number)

Adds a specified number of days to a specified date.

AddDays(originalDate, daysToAdd)
  • Date originalDate: the date to which you want to add the days.
  • Date daysToAdd: the number of days you want to add to the specified date.
Date Add Months (Date, Number)

Adds a specified number of months to a specified date.

AddMonths(originalDate, monthsToAdd)
  • Date originalDate: the date to which you want to add the months.
  • Number monthsToAdd: the number of months to add to the specified date.
Date Add Years (Date, Number)

Adds a specified number of years to a specified date.

AddYears(originalDate, yearsToAdd)
  • Date originalDate: the date to which you want to add the years.
  • Number yearsToAdd: the number of years to add to the specified date.
Logic And (statement1, statement2,…, statementN)

Evaluates to true if all the statements are true, otherwise evaluates to false.

And(statement1, statement2, ..., statementN)
  • Boolean statement: Statement to evaluate. There can be multiple statements.
Logic Or (statement1, statement2,…, statementN)

Evaluates to true if any of the statements is true, otherwise evaluates to false.

Or(statement1, statement2, ..., statementN)
  • Boolean statement: Statement to evaluate. There can be multiple statements.
Logic Not (Condition)

Negates the value of the specified statement.

  • Boolean statement: statement to negate.
Logic Inline If (Condition, ValueIfTrue, ValueIfFalse)

Inline if condition. If the condition is true, it returns the first value. If the condition is false, it returns the second value.

If(condition, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse)
  • Boolean condition: Condition to evaluate.
  • Any valueIfTrue: The value to return if the condition evaluates to true.
  • Any valueIfFalse: The value to return if the condition evaluates to false.
Relational Equal (=) (Input1, Input2)

Returns true if the two values are the same, otherwise returns false.

=(input1, input2)
  • Input input1: Statement to evaluate.
  • Input input2: Statement to evaluate.
Relational Greater than (>) (Input1, Input2)

Returns true if the first statement is greater than the second statement, otherwise returns false.

>(input1, input2)
  • Input input1: Statement to evaluate.
  • Input input2: Statement to evaluate.
Relational Less than (<) (Input1, Input2)

Returns true if the first statement is less than the second statement, otherwise returns false.

<(input1, input2)
  • Input input1: Statement to evaluate.
  • Input input2: Statement to evaluate.
Relational Greater than or equal to (>=) (Input1, Input2)

Returns true if the first statement is greater than or equal to the second statement, otherwise returns false.

>=(input1, input2)
  • Input input1: Statement to evaluate.
  • Input input2: Statement to evaluate.
Relational Less than or equal to (<=) (Input1, Input2)

Returns true if the first statement is less than or equal to the second statement, otherwise returns false.

<=(input1, input2)
  • Input input1: Statement to evaluate.
  • Input input2: Statement to evaluate.
Math Sum ( + ) (Number,Number)

Adds two values.

+(value1, value2)
  • Number value1: Value to add.
  • Number value2: Value to add.
Math Summation ([Numbers])

Adds the values of multiple numbers.

  • Number/[Number] numbers: The values to add. You can add multiple Number parameters, arrays, or a combination of both. If you add only one Number parameter, then it returns that same value.
Math Subtract ( - ) (Number,Number)

Subtracts two values.

-(value1, value2)
  • Number value1: The minuend.
  • Number value2: The subtrahend.
Math Multiply ( * ) ([Number])

Multiplies two or more values.

  • ([Number]) factors: The factors to multiply. You can multiply multiple Number parameters, arrays, or a combination of both. If you add only one Number parameter, then it returns that same value.
Math Divide ( / ) (Number, Number)

Divides a value. The result has a scale of 10. For example: 355/113 = 3.1415929203)

/(dividend, divisor)
  • Number dividend: The value being divided.
  • Number divisor: The value to divide by.
Math Integer Division (Number, Number)

Divides numbers and truncates the result (for example, 5/2=2, -5/2=-2).

Math Modulo (%) (Number, Number)

Finds the remainder after division of one number by another.

Array Min ([Number])

Returns the minimum value in a set of numbers.

Min(number1, number2, ..., numberN)
  • [Number]/Number number: The arrays or numbers where to search for the minimum. You can add multiple Number parameters, arrays, or a combination of both.
Array Max ([Number])

Returns the maximum value in a set of numbers.

Max(number1, number2, ..., numberN)
  • [Number]/Number number: The arrays or numbers where to search for the maximum. You can add multiple Number parameters, arrays, or a combination of both.
Array Count ([Any])

Counts the number of elements in one or more arrays.

Count(array1, array2, ..., arrayN)
  • [Any] array: The arrays that contain the elements that you want to count. You can add multiple arrays.
Array Avg ([Number])

Calculates the average value of the elements in one or more arrays.

Avg(array1, array2, ..., arrayN)
  • [Number] array: The arrays for which you want to calculate the average. You can add multiple arrays.
Array Concat ([Any])

Concatenates the specified arrays by appending them at the end of the first array.

ConcatArrays(array1, array2, ..., arrayN)
  • [Any] array: The arrays to concatenate. You can add multiple arrays.
Array Index Of ([Array], Element)

Returns the index of an element in an array. For example, IndexOf ([1,2,3], 1) returns 0.

Returns -1 if the element specified is not found in the array.

Array At Index ([Any], Index)

Finds the value at a particular index of an array or string.

Text Concat ([String])

Concatenates multiple strings into one single string.

Concat(array1, array2, ..., arrayN)
  • [String]/String array: The strings or array of strings to concatenate. You can add multiple strings, arrays, or a combination of both.
Text Split (String, String)

Splits a string into multiple parts based on a separator. The separators delimit the different parts in the string, and aren't part of the result.

Split(text, separator)
  • String text: The string to split.
  • String separator: The separator used to split the string.
Text Join ([String], String)

Combines multiple strings into one using a separator between the different strings.

Join(strings, separator)
  • [String] strings: The strings to combine.
  • String separator: The separator used to separate the strings in the resulting string.
Text To Lowercase (String)

Converts all the characters in a string to lowercase.

  • String text: The string to convert to lowercase.
Text To Uppercase (String or Array, Element)

Converts all the characters in a string to uppercase.

  • String text: The string to convert to uppercase.
Text Length (String) Returns the number of characters in a string.
Text Trim (String) Removes leading or trailing spaces in a string.
Text Contains (String or Array, Element) Checks if a string or array (within a control) contains a specific element and returns a Boolean value.
Text Replace (String, String, String)
Replaces a text string. Uses three parameters, where:
  • The first string is the original text
  • The second string is the value or regular expression that will be replaced by the new value
  • The third text is the replacement

For example, REPLACE("Hello World!", "Hello", "World") returns "World World!"


In regular expressions there are 12 characters with special meanings: backslash \, caret ^, dollar sign $, period or dot ., vertical bar or pipe symbol |, question mark ?, asterisk or star *, plus sign +, opening parenthesis (, the closing parenthesis ), opening square bracket [, and opening curly brace {. If you want to use any of them as regular characters, you will need to escape them with backslash \.
Text Matches (String, String)

Checks if two strings or expressions match and returns a Boolean value.

Text Substring (String, StartingIndex, Length)

Returns a substring of a string, beginning at the specified starting index up to the length indicated. For example, Substring ('apple', 0, 3) returns app.


Duration in Minutes

(Date, Date)

Calculates the number of minutes between two dates.

DurationinMinutes(date1, date2)
  • Datetime date1: The first date.
  • Datetime date2: The second date.


Duration in Hours

(Date, Date)

Calculates the number of hours between two dates.

DurationinHours(date1, date2)
  • Datetime date1: The first date.
  • Datetime date2: The second date


Duration in Days

(Date, Date)

Calculates the number of days between two dates.

DurationinDays(date1, date2).
  • Date date1: The first date.
  • Date date2: The second date.


Duration in Months

(Date, Date)

Calculates the number of months between two dates.

DurationinMonths(date1, date2)
  • Date date1: The first date.
  • Date date2: The second date.


Duration in Years

(Date, Date)

Calculates the number of years between two dates.

DurationinYears(date1, date2)
  • Date date1: The first date.
  • Date date2: The second date.


Convert to JSON


Converts an object into a String using the JSON format.

  • Any objectToConvert: The object to convert to JSON format.


Parse from JSON


Parses a String that contains content in JSON format and returns an Object.

  • String JSONtoParse: The JSON content to parse.


Get Property

(Object, String)

Gets a specified property from an Object.

GetProperty(object, property)
  • Object object: The object from which you want to get the property from.
  • String property: The property to retrieve.

Current User

Current user's ID


Gets the ID for the current logged in user.

Current User

Current user's first name


Gets the first name for the current logged in user.

Current User

Current user's middle name


Gets the middle name for the current logged in user.

Current User

Current user's last name


Gets the last name for the current logged in user.

Current User

Current user's email


Gets the email for the current logged in user.


Current UUID


Generates a universally unique identifier.


Current browser language


Gets the locale that the user's browser is using.


Get application name


Returns the name of the process application.
To use a function:
  1. In the web forms editor, select a control on the canvas. Note that you can also apply events and functions to presentations, as described in Configure Events.
  2. On the Properties pane, scroll down to the Events field. Click Add to add an event and select its type in the drop-down field (for example, On Change).
  3. Click Edit Edit icon next to the event you just added.
  4. In the event window, add an action or condition by clicking the +Action or +If button.
  5. Configure the action or condition to use a function.
    • For an action, select a control on which to apply the function in the Control Name field. In the Action field that displays, select Value in the Action field. In the Type field that displays, select Function, then choose a function from the functions listed by category in the Function field. Optionally, provide a name for the function in the Function Name field to easily identify it (this name displays in the Action Summary field).
    • For an if condition, select Function in the Type field that displays, and choose a function from the functions listed by category in the Function field. Optionally, provide a name for the function in the Function Name field to easily identify it (this name displays in the Condition Summary field). Complete the condition in the remaining condition fields.
  6. Specify parameters within parentheses for functions that allow them.
    Additional fields display within parentheses for functions that include parameters, such as math functions.
    The Compact Function field displays a summary of the function you define. Use the button at the end of this field to collapse or expand the functions editor.
  7. Click OK to close the event window. Click Preview to test the function. For example, a simple application uses a function set on the Value field to sum values each time a user enters or changes a value in the table, and displays the calculated value in the Total field. If the total exceeds a set amount (constant), a style action displays the total in red letters.
    Description of specifying-functions.png follows
    Description of the illustration specifying-functions.png