Configure Phone Number Fields

Add a phone control to your web form to allow users to enter phone numbers in International or US formats. The phone control uses the US format by default and displays the expected phone number pattern (xxx-xxx-xxxx). You can change the format using the Format property on the General tab.

To configure a phone control:
  1. From the Advanced Palette, drag the Phone control onto the canvas.
  2. Select the control and edit its properties on the Properties pane's General tab.
    Field Description


    An internal identifier that you will use to identify the control.


    Defines a link between the control and a data attribute.

    Computed Value

    Set this property to apply a computation to the control. See Create Computed Controls.


    Specify a phone number format. By default, the US format is selected.


    Text that will appear in the control until any text is entered. If text is removed from the control, the text specified in this field reappears.


    Hint text that will display to users when a user clicks into the control.


    Help text that will appear for the control. If you specify help text, a help icon appears next to the name of the control and displays the help text when a user hovers over it or clicks it.

    Max Length

    Defines the maximum number of characters a user can enter into the control.

    Min Length

    Defines the minimum number of characters a user must enter into the control. Leave this field blank if you don’t want to define the minimum length.


    Allows you to configure events for the control. You can assign actions or If/Then/Else conditions to the control based on a selected event. See Add Dynamic Behavior to Forms.

  3. On the Styling tab, edit the control's styling properties.
  4. Click Preview to try out using the control.