Embed a Task List in an External Application

Sometimes users of an external service may want to invoke a Process Automation task list from within their application without navigating to Process Automation Workspace. They can do so by embedding the task list in their application.

This not only saves the effort of navigating to Process Automation from their application, but ensures seamless user experience as they're always in the context of their primary application. These users can then view details of the tasks and take action on them.


In case of a Process Automation instance paired with a Fusion based Oracle Cloud Application, user authentication is seamless. However for all other applications and services, users are prompted to authenticate before accessing the task list.
Base URL:

Process automation lets you load a Process Automation task list with the context of an existing application by passing data through the URL query parameters. The URL query parameters can:

  • Control the actions that are available to users such as reassign and escalate the task.
  • Control the details that are shown in the task details. For example, disable the comments.
  • Filter the types of tasks that are shown to the user.

Here is an example of how you can send data using URL query parameters:

http://<IP address and port>/process/workspace/pages.html?root=taskList&hideTabBar=true&selectedContext=teamTasks

URL Query Parameters

The following table lists all the URL query parameters of a task list:

URL Query Parameter Description Value Type Default value and sample formats
hideTabBar Hides the tabs. Defaults to My Tasks tab when set to true. Boolean false
selectedContext Specifies the type of assignment of the task. The valid ENUM are:
  • myTasks
  • teamTasks
  • startedByMe
  • managedByMe
String myTasks
hideToolbar Hides the search bar and filters in the header of the task list page form. Boolean false

Configures the display options for a task list. The value must be a JSON object. The available parameters are:

  • hideSystemActions

    Shows or hides the system actions.

  • hideCustomActions

    Shows or hides the custom actions.

  • enableToolbarEvents

    Enables the toolbar events.

  • disablePagination

    Shows or hides the custom actions.

The value type for all these parameters is a string, and the default value is false.

JSON object


Sample format:

Display Options for Task List (Value should be Proper JSON Object)

pageSize Configures the number of tasks that Process Automation fetches for listing. Number 10

Configures the task details options when the task list loads. The value must be a JSON object.

  • hideActions
  • hideSave
  • hideSystemActions
  • hideSummary
  • hideForm
  • hideComments
  • hideHistory
  • hideAttachment
  • hideMoreInfo

The value type for all these parameters is a Boolean, and the default value is false.

JSON object


Sample format:

{ "hideSystemActions": true, "hideComments": true}

systemActions Configures the system actions when the task list loads. String SUSPEND, ESCALATE, RENEW, REASSIGN, REQUEST_FOR_INFO, SUBMIT_INFO, WITHDRAW, ACQUIRE, PURGE, DELETE, RESUME, RELEASE, CLAIM