Integrate a Linked UI with the Task List

After configuring a human task activity to use a linked UI instead of a web form, complete configuration on the runtime side.

General guidelines

  • As expected, the linked form is displayed when you select the task in the runtime task list.

  • If a linked form is used for a human task activity, the associated external application must provide the action buttons for the task.

  • When an action is performed within the task, the linked UI must make the corresponding REST API call to the Process Automation server and also fire an appropriate JavaScript event to update the runtime task list. The process task list listens to these events and refreshes accordingly.

JavaScript events a linked UI must implement

The following table lists all the JavaScript events an external UI must implement for successful integration with the process task list:

Event Description Example Syntax


The external form sends a loaded event, so that the parent can calculate formHeight.

{source:externalForm, event:loaded, data: {formHeight : 600,showCloseIcon : true,showResizeIcon : true} }


The external form requests to reload itself, without refreshing the task list.

{source:externalForm, event:reload, data: FUTURE}


The external form requests to close itself, without refreshing task the list.

{source:externalForm, event:close, data: FUTURE}


The external form requests to close itself after an action, and it also requests to refresh the task list.

{source:externalForm, event:done, data: {actionId : ACTION_ID}}